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Man robs bank for $1 - makes me glad we have an NHS

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I dont know anything about how things work in North Carolina but in California he could have gone to a County Hospital and treated free of charge. We the taxpayers would have covered the cost. We pay around 60 million dollars a year in Los Angeles County alone towards supportring illegal aliens, taking care of their sick kids, providing free education, food and rent allowance instead of sending them back to Mexico.


Dont think that this country is so heartless. We are the Santa Clauses (ie Suckers) who pay for many who come here from south America illegally many of their women pregnant so they can have their kids here and declare them US citizens.


Of course stories like this one shown on the link always get knee jerk reactions from the

"Ooooh! How awful the US is" crowd

The great majority of US citizens do have their own health insurance and in many cases it's superior to the NHS. At least I didnt have to wait donkeys years to get foot surgery done like my old father (a WW2 veteran) did when he had a bum knee and had to wait for the NHS to tell him when he could have the surgery done. He waited so long i think they were hoping he would die first and spare them the cost.

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I thought the USA had a medicare insurance scheme for people who were on welfare and could not afford their own healthcare.


I never thought it was as cut throat as no money-no treatment.


Did this nutcase have a job? Previous job or receive any welfare payments one wonders...

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I dont know anything about how things work in North Carolina but in California he could have gone to a County Hospital and treated free of charge. We the taxpayers would have covered the cost. We pay around 60 million dollars a year in Los Angeles County alone towards supportring illegal aliens, taking care of their sick kids, providing free education, food and rent allowance instead of sending them back to Mexico.


Dont think that this country is so heartless. We are the Santa Clauses (ie Suckers) who pay for many who come here from south America illegally many of their women pregnant so they can have their kids here and declare them US citizens.


Of course stories like this one shown on the link always get knee jerk reactions from the

"Ooooh! How awful the US is" crowd

The great majority of US citizens do have their own health insurance and in many cases it's superior to the NHS. At least I didnt have to wait donkeys years to get foot surgery done like my old father (a WW2 veteran) did when he had a bum knee and had to wait for the NHS to tell him when he could have the surgery done. He waited so long i think they were hoping he would die first and spare them the cost.


Harley, just yesterday afternoon I was in line at the pharmacy picking up some antibiotics for my son. He has a stubborn foot infection because he runs around all the time without his damn shoes. :rolleyes:




The lady in line ahead of me had that "look". You know the one I mean. Like they were teleported from a tiny village in Guadalajara and deposited thousands of miles away. She had a young boy with her, maybe ten years old. The pharmacy tech didn't speak spanish and she didn't speak english. The young boy was translating. The prescription she needed was almost $75. Needless to say, she didn't have it. The pharmacy tech was asking about insurance, etc. Suddenly, the boy said in spanish, "mama, show her the card!" Or something like that, I speak spanish like a toddler. She dug around in her purse and produced what I absolutely guarantee was a Medi-Cal card. She may have been illegal, but I'm sure her son was born here, making him an American citizen.


My son's prescription? $95 for a two week course of antibiotics. Insurance only covers the generic and the podiatrist wanted the name brand. Plus $50 for the co-pay to see a specialist. I took him to our family doctor first but the infection wasn't clearing up and there's a co-pay for that. The whole thing cost us almost $200 out of pocket.Thank God for health care savings accounts.


As soon as he comes home, I'm going to superglue his shoes to his feet. :rant:

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I thought the USA had a medicare insurance scheme for people who were on welfare and could not afford their own healthcare.


I never thought it was as cut throat as no money-no treatment.


Did this nutcase have a job? Previous job or receive any welfare payments one wonders...


Medicare is for all who are retired and who are fully paid up into Social Security. To be fully paid up into Social Security you need to have worked in a regular job for a minimum of 10 years. Medicare and Social Security go together.

The man in the news link didn't qualify for Medicare since he was under 65 years of age.

There were no details about his background but the chances are that in his situation and with no money he may have reached that situation due to alchohol or drug usage, in other words a homeless person

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At £7.40 a prescription, there are some who cannot afford prescription drugs.


Amoxicillin as an example. Cost price under £1.


How many people actually pay for their prescriptions? Isn't it something like 90% get them free..?

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Harley, just yesterday afternoon I was in line at the pharmacy picking up some antibiotics for my son. He has a stubborn foot infection because he runs around all the time without his damn shoes. :rolleyes:




The lady in line ahead of me had that "look". You know the one I mean. Like they were teleported from a tiny village in Guadalajara and deposited thousands of miles away. She had a young boy with her, maybe ten years old. The pharmacy tech didn't speak spanish and she didn't speak english. The young boy was translating. The prescription she needed was almost $75. Needless to say, she didn't have it. The pharmacy tech was asking about insurance, etc. Suddenly, the boy said in spanish, "mama, show her the card!" Or something like that, I speak spanish like a toddler. She dug around in her purse and produced what I absolutely guarantee was a Medi-Cal card. She may have been illegal, but I'm sure her son was born here, making him an American citizen.


My son's prescription? $95 for a two week course of antibiotics. Insurance only covers the generic and the podiatrist wanted the name brand. Plus $50 for the co-pay to see a specialist. I took him to our family doctor first but the infection wasn't clearing up and there's a co-pay for that. The whole thing cost us almost $200 out of pocket.Thank God for health care savings accounts.


As soon as he comes home, I'm going to superglue his shoes to his feet. :rant:


Sorry to hear that Sierra. Make him wear construction boots for a month and then tell him if he's good he can wear loafers afterwards


I pay 96 dollars a month for retiree Medicare


Fifteen dollars for any prescriptions which are all generic. Anyway in 90 percent of cases generic are just as good as name brand.


Five dollars each doctors visit


A 125 dollar a day co-payment for the first 9 days in hospital. All surgeries and after care treatment are no charge. After 9 days if still in hospital no co-payment at all


No charge for a complete physical including bloodwork


Five dollars each visit if I need a chiropractor


My health plan is Kaiser Permanente, The largest health plan in California. They have their own hospitals, clinics and hospital staff.


My wife has a different plan and is still too young to go on Medicare. Until then she pays quite a bit more for hers.

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Don't worry, Smarmy Dave say's the Cons can be trusted on the NHS.:hihi:


I didn't know that he was responsible for the USA's lack of a National Health Service. He used and appreciated the care and service of the NHS in respect of his late terminally ill son, why don't you have a pop at that? :loopy:

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At £7.40 a prescription, there are some who cannot afford prescription drugs.


Amoxicillin as an example. Cost price under £1.


At £7.40 a prescription people can get those really expenisve drugs they need.


Cis-platin and gold salts for cancer for example.

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I had to have 4 different kinds of Antibiotics a couple of months ago and it cost me £30 in a day. I kept throwing the tablets back up and I only had 2 at the most out of each packet. Thankfully I got taken into hospital and sorted out but it was a complete waste of money!


It's ridiculous that tablets cost so much! They should sell them at the price they make them or just make a slight profit on them if that's what matters to them.


I feel sorry for the people who cannot afford medical treatment.


How do you pay for the new drugs to be researched then? Pixiedust?

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