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A Sad Story By a Palestinian Refugee !

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Approximately 700,000 Arabs left Israel and around 156,000 stayed after 1948 war. According to this story there are now 10,000,000 refugees and a further 7,000,000 living in Gaza and 1,573,000 Arabs living in Israel. Total displaced Arabs 856,000


260,000 Jews fled Arab countries and after the war and a further 600,000 up to 1972 fled Arab countries. A further 500,000 Jews fled Europe. Total displace Jews 1,360,000.


650,000 Jews lived in Israel before 1948 and it as a Jewish population of 6,000,000 now.

2, 000,000 Jews have become 6,000,000 in 63 years but 856,000 Arabs have become 17,000,000 in the same time so either they are not descendants of the Arabs that left Israel or they are breeding to fast.

Like rabbits even, but then again they are like rabbits with the warrens they build to smuggle arms and luxury goods into Gaza.
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As long as Israel engages in death and terror, they will be reported.
have you seen the one where the muslims got a little girl to carry a parcel into a police station the parcel was a remote controled bomb the little girl (under 9) was blown up. killing several police men etc.
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have you seen the one where the muslims got a little girl to carry a parcel into a police station the parcel was a remote controled bomb the little girl (under 9) was blown up. killing several police men etc.


Funny I was thinking just the same thing. CXC3000 isn't that the serial no code for a type of explosive?

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As long as Israel engages in death and terror, they will be reported.


have you seen the one where the muslims got a little girl to carry a parcel into a police station the parcel was a remote controled bomb the little girl (under 9) was blown up. killing several police men etc.


And you believe that ?

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Amazing isn't it and this country falls for the Asylum seeker/refugee mumbo jumbo (BTW is mumbo jumbo racist?)


No it is not.


There are two types of elephant. One is A frickin elephant and the other is a Mumbo Jumbo. The latter used to be called a Bumbo Jumbo, but Bombay is now known as Mumbai.


Next week we'll be reading about Mollywood.

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its been in the paper today, but the report i read said that no policemen were harmed and just an 8 year old girl died in the blast which she was supposed to deliver to the police station :mad:


Taliban use girl, 8, as bomb mule in attack on Afghanistan police post

Both the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban have frequently used men disguised under burqas to mount suicide attacks but the use of women is rare.


The first genuine instance in Pakistan is believed to have occurred in Bajaur tribal agency late last year, when a female suicide bomber wearing a burqa attacked a UN food distribution centre, killing 45 people.



Is there no level to which these people won’t sink?

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