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How to ask for a payrise?

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Prepare your case well, explain how (if) you have moved beyond your present job description, any new responsibililties?, look at other comparable roles and salaries that compare favourably and presnent all the facts to your boss, in a professional, non-emotive manner, at a pre-arranged time to suit you both - I wouldn't give them a figure - I'd see what they came back with - if you're not happy, let them know you think you're worth more, and then they'll realise you'll be looking elsewhere at more competitive salaries, so it'll be up to them how much they value you.


Ok, if I was your boss I'd give you a 20% pay reduction.

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Ok, if I was your boss I'd give you a 20% pay reduction.


That's why you're not the boss of anyone :hihi:


If you've got a formal review, bring it up then. If you haven't got one, speak to or email your line manager (or director if you report directly) and say you'd like a review to discuss your performance and remuneration.

Explain how you're doing a good job and creating value for the company, tell him that you think you deserve a raise. Be prepared in case he asks how much, but don't volunteer it if he doesn't ask.

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Are you replaceable? - Yes. The dead centre of Sheffield is full of irreplaceable people.


Are you replaceable for what they pay you now? - If 'Yes' don't ask.


If 'No' suggest to your boss that (s)he should give you a payrise and remind him/her how much it would cost to hire and train a replacement.


If that doesn't work, go self-employed, steal all the customers and pay yourself 10 times as much as you get now.

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To replace someone for just asking for a raise would be a) stupid, b) illegal.

Even replaceable people (and we mostly are) take time and effort to replace, it costs money to interview people, it costs the company money whilst the new person learns the ropes and becomes fully productive.

If you work for somewhere that you think would sack you just for asking for a raise then you should ask, sue them and move on to somewhere else that demonstrates a better management attitude.

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