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Jogging group in Endcliffe Park

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Now the weather is getting warmer, do you fancy pulling your trainers back on and going jogging?


Why not come along to our Adults Jogging club? The Club meets every Monday (except for Bank Holidays) at 5:00pm at the Hunters Bar Roundabout entrance to Endcliffe Park.


It's FREE and run by fully qualified Jog leaders on behalf of Activity Sheffield.


The group currently has over 15 members of varying abilities, so if you need advice, someone to keep pace with or just want to jog with a friendly face come along!

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Hi sues_budgie


Good question and one I had to ask about! The Leadership In Running Fitness (LIRF) course is run by Run England and helps the coaches to both warm up participants properly as well as set up appropriate standards of exercise for people attending.


If you would like more details, this link to the Run England website should help




Activity Sheffield

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Hi Maxxy


The group does several different routes around the park from the short and not too strenous to longer ones for more experienced joggers, so all abilities are welcome.


We have different groups of abilities who currently turn up so feel free to come and along and check it out to see if it is to your liking.




Activity Sheffield

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shame its at 5pm as alot of people are just finishing work then, if it was later i think a few more people would be able to come.


Hi Scott


Appreciate the time is difficult for some people to make, it's difficult to juggle this between people wanting to come straight from work and others who want to go home first etc. We are looking into this however and are considering the possibility of having a session start at 5:30pm. Is this something that would suit you (or others!) better?


In the meantime there is also a session running at Millhouses Park which starts at 7:30pm on Thursdays. Or if you live in a different area let me know as we run them throughout the city.



I'd love to come i currently run but for me some days i have energy, other days i don't & stop regularly which i hate!!

Can we just turn up in our kit?


Hi Romario


You are a perfect fit for this session! Feel free to just turn up in your kit and join in. The leader of the session will hopefully be able to motivate you and you'll not keep wanting to stop :)




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I may turn up to this one but in answer to your query about areas, it would be fantastic if there were one going from the Grenoside/Ecclesfield side of town after work.


Hi Maxxy


The area worker for the North of the city was actually on the Jog Leaders course mentioned in the thread above and jogging sessions are being planned for this area. Currently the most interest has been in Oughtibridge/Stocksbridge area but as this is still quite a way from Grenoside/Ecclesfield I've mentioned your interest to the staff member and he's going to look at how much interest there is in this area.

I will keep you informed! :)




Activity Sheffield

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