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Glastonbury! .

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Yep, there's certainly a strong whiff of music snobbery on this thread now.




Most on here could, instead of moaning, just admit that they've gotten too old the 'scene' has left them behind. glasto is a business. The headlines have to be the most popular. the ones 'true', 'in it for the art' etc get to play the other stages, but the people selling the most records at whatever time will get the main stage.


this 'music has gotten bland/bad/tasteless etc' is as old as time itself.

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That's what they're paid to do just as Wham's backing musicians were paid to do. didn't a certain top Shefffield guitarist walk off Wham's tour due to having to pretend.


Those prancers messing about with the White plastic instruments (Trumpets/saxes) weren't playing they were just bobbing about.

To me that is conning the public.


Perhaps if you bought a high definition telly you would be able to spot the difference between a white plastic sax and a brass one that was painted white.:rolleyes:

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Perhaps if you bought a high definition telly you would be able to spot the difference between a white plastic sax and a brass one that was painted white.:rolleyes:


actually i think he meant white plastic SEX and bras on??



*gets coat*

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The band looked as though they were playing live to me. It was Beyonce who was clearly miming to most of the songs as they are nearly all reverb and multi-track. But I had to make do with watching it live and didn't have the advantage of a recorded TV programme to help form an opinion.


I thought you were in your motorhome?

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