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What type of person are you?

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Are you generally patient or inpatient? - I have no patience whatsoever. Always been the same. I think this might be the reason why I get bored with things very easily and why I have a different fad every other week.


Do you act on impulse or with restraint? - I'm restrained where money's concerned but otherwise I'm very impulsive.


Are you angered easily or does it normally take a lot to anger you? - I'm Very easily angered. Although I'm not the type who resorts to violence. I'll do all I can to avoid violence, but if someone presses all the right buttons(or wrong buttons as the case may be), I'm like a bull in a China shop.


Do you listen to people or wait to speak? - I always take time to listen when someone has something to say to me. My philosophy is: If someone wants to lend their wisdom.. I's more beneficial to me if I listen. If it turns out to be nonsense; I'll just forget it. But if what I hear is useful to me- then I'd be a fool not to use it!!.


Are you focused and driven or are you guilty of first degree procrastination? - I Have to admit that I'm such a procrastinator. So much so that it's beginning to get me down a bit if I'm honest with you. I'm not saying I'm suffering from depression or anything like that, but now that I'm aware of my procrastination, I seem to have become acutely conscious of it... which makes me want to procrastinate all the more. Better sort myself out hadn't I.:)

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Are you generally patient or inpatient? - I have no patience whatsoever. Always been the same. I think this might be the reason why I get bored with things very easily and why I have a different fad every other week.


Do you act on impulse or with restraint? - I'm restrained where money's concerned but otherwise I'm very impulsive.


Are you angered easily or does it normally take a lot to anger you? - I'm Very easily angered. Although I'm not the type who resorts to violence. I'll do all I can to avoid violence, but if someone presses all the right buttons(or wrong buttons as the case may be), I'm like a bull in a China shop.


Do you listen to people or wait to speak? - I always take time to listen when someone has something to say to me. My philosophy is: If someone wants to lend their wisdom.. I's more beneficial to me if I listen. If it turns out to be nonsense; I'll just forget it. But if what I hear is useful to me- then I'd be a fool not to use it!!.


Are you focused and driven or are you guilty of first degree procrastination? - I Have to admit that I'm such a procrastinator. So much so that it's beginning to get me down a bit if I'm honest with you. I'm not saying I'm suffering from depression or anything like that, but now that I'm aware of my procrastination, I seem to have become acutely conscious of it... which makes me want to procrastinate all the more. Better sort myself out hadn't I.:)



I could have written this :hihi: Its me to a T. X

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Are you generally patient or inpatient? I am generally patient, except when driving. :twisted::hihi: I also have zero tolerance for anyone who dares awaken me from my slumber before I am damn well ready, as the OH knows all too well. :hihi:


Do you act on impulse or with restraint? I have quite a lot of restraint, even when other less mature people show none and try to goad me into acting on their pathetic level. :) When it comes to money I am generous but extremely sensible - I've always been good with finances.


Are you angered easily or does it normally take a lot to anger you? Anger depends completely on the person I'm with. Most people wouldn't be able to anger me no matter what, I could easily walk away. With others, well I'm just waiting for an excuse and my anger is horrific. In a nutshell, it takes a lot to wind me up, but once you've achieved it you won't want to be on the same planet as me. :hihi:


Do you listen to people or wait to speak? I tend to speak more than I listen. I even speak before I think quite often. This is my biggest problem actually.


Are you focused and driven or are you guilty of first degree procrastination?Depends - I can procrastinate with the best of them but when I put my mind to something I do everything in my power to be the best at it.

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Are you generally patient or inpatient? - have always been a very patient person, i was always the first of my siblings to master something new as i would keep at it until i had it right where as they would be bored in minutes and on to the next thing


Do you act on impulse or with restraint? - I would say im fairly impulsive. im used to just doing what ever comes to mind


Are you angered easily or does it normally take a lot to anger you? - I'm the type who will just disappear on you if youve made me angry. i might be there physically but can garentee ive withdrawn cognativley


Do you listen to people or wait to speak? - Im a listener. i tend to be fairly quiet anyway so its easier to listen


Are you focused and driven or are you guilty of first degree procrastination? - oh im the queen of procrastination, im terrible for getting things done, particularly the chores, ill keep putting them off then rush to do them all before bed time, infact i think i should go do todays chores, lol

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I will give my time freely until its abused. I have the patience of a saint until you upset me or my peeps:arrow: if you do run!


I dont judge others and I care very little what religion, race, culture you are and care even less what colour your skin is, weather you have a disability or special needs, weather your gay/straight/bi......


If your nice to me im nice to you, simple :)

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Are you generally patient or inpatient? - I'm pretty patient, happy to play the long game.


Do you act on impulse or with restraint? - I'm far too impulsive for my own good and react a bit too quickly sometimes often causing extreme fallout - my biggest downfall.

Are you angered easily or does it normally take a lot to anger you? - It takes a lot to anger me, I tolerate quite a lot but when anger washes over me I tend to exploded in a way that surprises anyone who knows me, especially the person who lit the fuse; I can be extremely aggressive when angered but will not resort to violence unless threatened with violence.


Do you listen to people or wait to speak? - I always take time to listen when someone has something to say to me. My philosophy is: If someone wants to lend their wisdom.. I's more beneficial to me if I listen. If it turns out to be nonsense; I'll just forget it. But if what I hear is useful to me- then I'd be a fool not to use it!!. (same)


Are you focused and driven or are you guilty of first degree procrastination? - I'm guilty of both really once I get the bit between my teeth I achieve a great deal but sometimes I struggle to get that bit between my teeth and find myself doing anything other than the thing I need to be doing.

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