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Does anyone suffer with sinusitis?

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Don't know whether this will help anyone, but my dad suffered for years with this,even had surgery to clear his tubes.


Then,while looking after a friends mobile grocery business,noticed that it got a lot worse when he handled bananas. He then avoided them like the plague,and never suffered again.


Perhaps some of you also have an allergy to something unexpected.

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Don't know whether this will help anyone, but my dad suffered for years with this,even had surgery to clear his tubes.


Then,while looking after a friends mobile grocery business,noticed that it got a lot worse when he handled bananas. He then avoided them like the plague,and never suffered again.


Perhaps some of you also have an allergy to something unexpected.


This is what im thinking it could be an allergy. ive had tests done just got to wait for results x

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I sniff very slightly salted water up and lay with my head upside down and then blow my nose really really hard so the yellow and green stuff starts to break up, blow my nose again and then repeat the holding the slightly salted water in my nose and do it again and keep it there until I can taste it in my throat and then I blow my nose even harder. I then use the copper and seawater spray for 3 days about £7.99 from boots and then it goes. I used to get sinusitis and then tonisilitis in 6 week bouts repeatidly. I have had it once this year and that was caused by hayfever and it lasted 2 days and didn't get bad cos the water snorting got it first. That is the first time in 3 years no antibiotics. Type in google how to wash your sinuses and only literally put in about 4 grains of salt. Hope this helps. Bit graphic but works x

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ps the doc told me not to use decongestants such as sudafed as all this does it dry the snot and rubbish in your sinuses out and this makes it harder to get out and compacts it more. Keep the **** wet and let it move.

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This is what im thinking it could be an allergy. ive had tests done just got to wait for results x


I would take the results with a pinch of salt anyway. One of the first things the ENT did in my case was to test for common allergies, including domestic pets (we had a cat) which came back completely clear. However, when my girlfriend and me began using our attic room as a bedroom, where the cat never went, I noticed that my symptoms improved massively.

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  • 5 months later...


I suffered from sinusitis once or twice, but mine went away after about a week, during which I was doing steam inhalation with salt, eucalyptus and thyme essential oils. It helped me, so it must of been a mild case if some of you didn't get rid or it. And you are right, the headaches are annoying!

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i suffered for years through late teens to late thirties, tried everything I could but al ways ended up one day a week being ill, sickness and throbbing headache. had my nose cleaned and drilled, that was heaven for about a month then it came back, i used to think it was eating pork, then gravy and so onbut eventually the sickness stopped and even though i have a slight headache most days its nothing to what it was, and I haven,t been sick(touch wood0 for years.one interesting thing is my mother suffered from really bad migraine for years and she was violently sick after eating fish for dinner one day, she has never touched fish since, and never had a migraine since!.

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  • 8 months later...

ive got asthma and often get chest infections and hayfever and sinusitis along with these, really suffering with it at the moment especially not being able to breathe at night and nothing is shifting it, fed up of feeling congested and not been able to smell or taste anything and my head killing me.

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ive got asthma and often get chest infections and hayfever and sinusitis along with these, really suffering with it at the moment especially not being able to breathe at night and nothing is shifting it, fed up of feeling congested and not been able to smell or taste anything and my head killing me.

As I said before I suffered and still get a headache of some kind most days so I can simpathise with you, try getting some smelling salts from the chemist, I carry them all the time and they might help, let me know how you get on.

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