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I cant take much more of this smell of cannabis

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But having a drink is legal and the effects cannot waft into somebody elses garden and have a detrimental effect on the neighbours children


No but loud, abusive, aggressive and sometimes violent behaviour does. I know it's legal, see post #96


also not one person is disagreeing about the intrusive smell.

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"Just to make it clear, these are my views on it:


Weed is bad for you.


Booze is bad for you.


Cigs are bad for you.



Any of the above in excess are REALLY bad for you.



Only one is illegal. Why not make all 3 illegal?"





I have a different view,


Why not turn it in its head and make all 3 legal.






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Once again the exact same can be said for alcohol. As a child I thought it was normal to have a second fridge.
This is getting boring now. Why are people continually bringing up alcohol in response to the OP? Unless your neighbours are running a clandestine brewery or still and contaminating your house, alcohol is not really likely to lead to the sorts of problems the OP is having, is it?


And, the moot point is that it's legal to possess alcohol but not legal to possess cannabis.

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This is getting boring now. Why are people continually bringing up alcohol in response to the OP? Unless your neighbours are running a clandestine brewery or still and contaminating your house, alcohol is not really likely to lead to the sorts of problems the OP is having, is it?


And, the moot point is that it's legal to possess alcohol but not legal to possess cannabis.


Yes it seems that references to alcohol are the last refuge of a scoundrel(GBShaw)

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We have no proof they are dealing. If the Police see fit to charge them why are they now free? If they went down then yes, that would be bad for the kids and result in them being bad parents. That doesn't make weed smokers bad parents.


For all we know they may be growing it to save money and give the kids a nice holiday from the savings.


Are you nuts? this is impinging on someone elses lives who don't want their kids exposed to it - what about their rights? And what a fine example of parents they are growing drugs to finance a holiday:roll::roll:

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This is getting boring now. Why are people continually bringing up alcohol in response to the OP? Unless your neighbours are running a clandestine brewery or still and contaminating your house, alcohol is not really likely to lead to the sorts of problems the OP is having, is it?

They aren't bringing up alcohol in response to the OP, they're in response to the slightly off-topic posts that they relate to, as you well know. Why are people continually assuming that anyone who smokes weed has a rotten brain or suffers from brain fog?

People are bringing alcohol up because it's a very similar comparison.


You smoke a little bit of weed, you get a little bit stoned.

You have a little drink, you get a little bit drunk.


You smoke a lot of weed, you get really stoned.

You have a lot to drink, you get really drunk.


You smoke weed excessively over many years and your brain rots.

You drink alcohol excessively over many years and your brain rots.


Yes it seems that references to alcohol are the last refuge of a scoundrel(GBShaw)


Don't forget cigarettes.

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We have no proof they are dealing. If the Police see fit to charge them why are they now free? If they went down then yes, that would be bad for the kids and result in them being bad parents. That doesn't make weed smokers bad parents.


For all we know they may be growing it to save money and give the kids a nice holiday from the savings.


Although this was in response to Upinwath's somewhat OTT post, I don't agree with it. If you are growing weed in a house with children you are jeopardising their future one way or another.

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I suppose that they're equipped with a headstart to find and take drugs if they have druggie parents to show them the way?


No, and if you would stop to think about what I wrote you would see that - but unfortunately your moral high ground means the territory below is obscured in clouds of self righteousness. If we are using metaphors.


Still, at least you're in good company.

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