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I cant take much more of this smell of cannabis

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Keep phoning the police 3 times a day AM, NOON, PM. Keep a record of all crime numbers.



complain complain complain.


Bet you would be extreemly popular with Plod if you did that every day.







Perhaps you would be very popular indeed. Who knows?


I heard on 'Look North' earlier today that crime figures in North Yorkshire have risen this year. Apparently, the fact that crime figures are on the increase might be a good argument against police cutbacks.


Do crime figures relate to the number of crimes reported or to the number of reports which are logged as crime?


If - as happened in the past - there was considerable pressure to reduce crime figures, then (presumably) if only a percentage of the reports made were logged as crimes, the figures would go down.


If there is considerable pressure to reduce (or even eliminate) the proposed expenditure cuts on policing, then the more crimes which are reported (and logged) the stronger would be the argument to scrap the cutbacks.

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The police are there to catch law breakers so why would anyone be unpopular with them for reporting anyone breaking the law but the best number to ring is 101 the council helpline which liaises with police




Aye, I am 100% in agreement with you, the Police are there to catch law breakers.


Not to be pestered morning noon and night with phone calls about some one smoking weed in their garden. While its an unlawful act, I believe the Police have enough on their hands aprehending serious criminals


Denlin, there is a burglar in your house and you phone the Police for assistance, but they are short staffed, gone to attend to a pot smoker in his garden, but they will come to you afterwards. That scenario ok by you is it.





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Aye, I am 100% in agreement with you, the Police are there to catch law breakers.


Not to be pestered morning noon and night with phone calls about some one smoking weed in their garden. While its an unlawful act, I believe the Police have enough on their hands aprehending serious criminals


Denlin, there is a burglar in your house and you phone the Police for assistance, but they are short staffed, gone to attend to a pot smoker in his garden, but they will come to you afterwards. That scenario ok by you is it.






If there was a burglar in my house while I was in then of course that wouldn't be and the police are capable of prioritising their calls - they are supposed to be professionals. If I was burgled while I was out I would just get a crime number and the police would come at some point if necessary. While I hate low life criminals I was responding to OP and trying to give advice. Have you never seen it on TV where police leave scene of minor offence when they receive call about something more serious

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Yes it does.

If they're stupid enough to need drugs to enjoy themselves, they're clearly too daft to look after kids.

In this case it sounds far worse.

We are looking at producers and dealers - That could attract a prison term. In turn that could leave the kids in care for extended periods. Thus they're bad parents.

The we consider the smoke is strong enough to effect the neighbours. What do you think it must be like in the house?

Clearly exposing children to drugs is a sign of a ruddy cretin and makes them unfit to breed.


There is a need to call social services and contact the papers so the idiots softies who work in such agencies have no choice but to do their job and protect the kids from their idiot patents.


I think that any user of any drug, especially one that can affect others around you, needs to be responsible! The people in question are obviously idiots who give every other smoker a bad name. A bit like people who drink and go looking for a fight spoil alcohol for everyone else.


But this comment about people being stupid for smoking and making bad parents is the biggest load of absolute gob dirt I've heard in ages!!


Don't you understand that cannabis is just like any other drug? If you use it responsibly it is no different than having the odd pint glass of wine.


To say that someone is stupid for using it is stupid in it's self!

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driving with their kids in the car after smoking drugs equals bad parents in my opinion


What a ridiculous comment to make! Of cause it does! That's not the point though is it? Driving when you have had too much of anything intoxicating is wrong, whether you have your kids in the car or not!

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