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I cant take much more of this smell of cannabis

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Are you seriously saying any person who smokes or drinks is also now a bad parent? Why do pubs have ball pools?


How often do you spend time in the company of habitual smokers Ruby?

I spend a certain amount of time not in of the company of smokers. because they're always standing around outside in the rain these days. :D So pubs have ball pools in the main bars now? I've never noticed in my local, not even in the Weatherspoons :)


To all the people picking me up - I said around their kids. People who smoke and drink heavily, stink of it. It seems to seep out of their pores, but it's not illegal. People who smoke cannabis smell even more vile. And they seem to move and have their being in a mental fog. And it is illegal and therefore not showing a good example to their children. And if they drive afterwards, that's just wrong and dangerous. Incapacitated through the use of drink or drugs, isn't that the charge?


Why is this so hard to accept? Unless you're an addict yourself, why would you be arguing so passionately for it? :confused: Who else cares?

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When I do have a drink, it's after my kids are in bed or not around.


I don't see you're point. You are advocating drug use and saying that drug users set a good example to kids.


Clearly you are either stupid or a drug user, or probably both.


I'm not saying any of the above set a good example. Stop being sensationalist. The point is the same as with your alcohol use. If it's when the kids are in bed why is it a problem?


The whole point came from the poster who said the neighbours in the OP should have their kids taken away as all pot smokers are bad parents. That is bull. In the same way that it's bull to suggest all drinkers, smokers and vehicle owners are bad parents as Ruby did.

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Again this can be said of active drug use in front of any child. Though I think you're exaggerating your mental health ward story.




Would you do the same for alcohol and cigarettes?


Yes as you shouldn't be smoking in front of kids. It sets a bad example and is bad for their health.

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Then your friend was a prat.


Yep total and utter prat!, sadly he has still not learnt his lesson, even more sadly its his family that are now suffering because of his selfishness.


I never said it should be socially acceptable. Whilst it's illegal it always will be. Did you see my first post in this thread? I'm just highlighting the hypocrisy shown towards one drug over another.


As highlighted below, regarding the mental health issue's is my biggest problem and yes agreed not all users will abuse. I agree booze is a bigger problem, but the OP is about weed and i think we are all in agreement that they are just taking the micheal.



The fact is it's not the drug that does the damage, it's the user's behaviour whilst both on and off the drug.


Agreed that not all user's, will abuse it, still in the presence of children it is just simply vile, you know i need to stop all this agreeing, tis not my style :o:D

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...In the same way that it's bull to suggest all drinkers, smokers and vehicle owners are bad parents as Ruby did.
I didn't actually say that, you drama queen!


But, it's my opinion that parenting entails some sacrifices to do properly and I'm entitled to it. More so than you are to yours which is advocating that parents can be slack and it's ok. It's not ok to endanger your children and show them a bad example by growing cannabis, being antisocial to your next door neighbours and driving about under the influence. End of! :)

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I didn't actually say that, you drama queen!


But, it's my opinion that parenting entails some sacrifices to do properly and I'm entitled to it. More so than you are to yours which is advocating that parents can be slack and it's ok. It's not ok to endanger your children and show them a bad example by growing cannabis, being antisocial to your next door neighbours and driving about under the influence. End of! :)


I do agree with you. I think it should be applied to all drugs, that's the only difference. I don't have kids by the way. I'm a responsible drug addict Ruby. ;)


You did say the above by the way. You even came on above to explain why you said it. Cars pollute kids' lungs worse than fags so I thought I would add that for you as that is your point right, don't damage the kids?

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I spend a certain amount of time not in of the company of smokers. because they're always standing around outside in the rain these days. :D So pubs have ball pools in the main bars now? I've never noticed in my local, not even in the Weatherspoons :)


To all the people picking me up - I said around their kids. People who smoke and drink heavily, stink of it. It seems to seep out of their pores, but it's not illegal. People who smoke cannabis smell even more vile. And they seem to move and have their being in a mental fog. And it is illegal and therefore not showing a good example to their children. And if they drive afterwards, that's just wrong and dangerous. Incapacitated through the use of drink or drugs, isn't that the charge?


Why is this so hard to accept? Unless you're an addict yourself, why would you be arguing so passionately for it? :confused: Who else cares?


Nicely put RDz

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Maybe if some folk got a life and took care of their own business there would be less arguments on this site. If somebody smokes weed outside their house, so what, if some like a jar or 6 of ale, so what, maybe some smoke 50 fags a day, so what, I drive a huge 4x4 what business is it of any one else.


What has happened to live and let live?.


And keeping your snout out of other folks business.





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Maybe if some folk got a life and took care of their own business there would be less arguments on this site. If somebody smokes weed outside their house, so what, if some like a jar or 6 of ale, so what, maybe some smoke 50 fags a day, so what, I drive a huge 4x4 what business is it of any one else.


What has happened to live and let live?.


And keeping your snout out of other folks business.






Which begs the question what is your snout doing.May I respectfully point out that we humans have nosesp-dont assume all have snouts as in Animal Farm(thats the Orwellian version in case you are confused)

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