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I cant take much more of this smell of cannabis

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I can't argue that cars pollute the environment, but unlike smoking tobacco or cannabis, they are a necessary evil, until such time when an alternative to the internal combustion engine arrives. We could all commute on bicycles however, like they do in Amsterdam or Copenhagen, but I can imagine how that would fly on SF, like a lead balloon I think.:)


If Sheffield were as flat as Amsterdam I'd love to cycle everywhere!

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I didn't actually say that, you drama queen!


But, it's my opinion that parenting entails some sacrifices to do properly and I'm entitled to it. More so than you are to yours which is advocating that parents can be slack and it's ok. It's not ok to endanger your children and show them a bad example by growing cannabis, being antisocial to your next door neighbours and driving about under the influence. End of! :)


Well said Rubydazzler, it's turning a blind eye which has caused the behaviour which precludes any consideration for other people and so much anti-social behaviour. Good to meet you last week by the way:D:wave:

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I sympathise with the OP as I have the same problem, when we go to bed at night out bathroom and bedroom stink, the woman next door and her friends smoking weed. It is such a sweet sickly smell it gives me a headache.


The other day my daughter came and on entering my kitchen said "mum there is a smell in here" when I asked her what sort of smell she replied "it smells like cannabis" and that was during the afternoon and the kitchen is the room furthest away from next door, so the smell must linger and I must be so used to it now I didn't even notice.


I wonder if other people who have visited think it is us that use it :)

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But, it's my opinion that parenting entails some sacrifices to do properly and I'm entitled to it. More so than you are to yours which is advocating that parents can be slack and it's ok. It's not ok to endanger your children and show them a bad example by growing cannabis, being antisocial to your next door neighbours and driving about under the influence. End of! :)


I don't think anyone has suggested this.


I think it should be applied to all drugs, that's the only difference.


I agree with this.


I cannot for the life in me come to understand how those next door having a puff could make life for those "over the fence" unbearable. Jaysus they must have a nose more sensative than a blood hound. Live and let live for Gods sake.





Well, cannabis really does stink, if you're the one smoking it you don't notice so much, but to everyone around you it reeks. It really is one of the strongest and invasive smells I know of. That said, I quite like the smell.


I would not like it wafting into my house from next door though.

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You can easily reverse the roles here.


People can lose everything because of years of drinking alcohol, everything! Husband/wife, kids, business, their home EVERYTHING!


Come off it, you cant call parents that like a social toke, bad parents? surely :D:|


Seems to me that dope smokers only argument always comes down to the same thing "Well alcohol is worse" blah, blah, blah...


Fact is cannibis, though some may not think so, reeks vile and why should anyone have to put up with some one elses stank in their own home?

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I don't think anyone has suggested this.
By 'anyone' do you mean TonyErikson? Because that's who I was replying to. If he can misquote and attribute comments to me that were made by other people, probably because he's suffering from brain fog ... we all can do likewise, surely? Although I don't consider I am misrepresenting his opinion on this topic.
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Seems to me that dope smokers only argument always comes down to the same thing "Well alcohol is worse" blah, blah, blah...


Fact is cannibis, though some may not think so, reeks vile and why should anyone have to put up with some one elses stank in their own home?


I just said this in the post above yours, look ^^

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