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Gove - teacher strike and lose respect !

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Quite frankly, the more Gove makes pronouncements like that, the more I believe that I'm doing the right thing on Thursday.


You've got my support - I think that you guys will be the first of many professions to go out and if my lot go then I'll be there as well. :thumbsup: If those buggers listened to reason then there'd be no need for all of this.

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Quite frankly, the more Gove makes pronouncements like that, the more I believe that I'm doing the right thing on Thursday.


Some might say that he is the teaching profession's secret weapon. Rarely has there been a more odious and out of touch Tory minister.


Keep up the good work Agent Gove:D

And i am another one supporting you guys..all the best, you have plenty of support behind you :thumbsup::thumbsup:

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Gove really is an idiot. He suggested that schools could be kept open by parents going in to help out. This from a man who believes teachers shouldn't have to be qualified to teach the nation's children and whose first actions when made Education Secretary were to stop the schools building programme and slash the funding for school sports.


Quite reasonable if you want a low paid, poorly educated, low life expectancy population only fit for working at and consuming from Asda or Tesco, or perhaps grateful for the chance to get their limbs blown off in some pointless conflict.


They're winding back decades and decades of advances.

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Well the CRB office are going to be very busy if Gove wants parents to go in and help on Thursday.


Didn't I hear they were doing away with CRB checks?


Teachers are gaining my respect, this has been a country of forelock tuggers since Thatchers rule, good to see people taking a stand again.

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The old fool is hoping to attach some kind of social stigma to those who strike. Bet he'll be the first to try and detract from the situation and say the strikes didn't haven't any effect the day after; the government really are that predictable.

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The point given that I heard was that why should the workers of the private sector yet again suffer because of the workers of the public sector. We're all subject to cuts yet because of the strikes a private sector worker may lose pay because they have to stay off work for their child who can't go to school which is something they pay their taxes for.


I don't have children. I think it's a very clever tactic.


You mean they really want to strike but are trying to find am acceptable social way to do so? Besides, wouldn't kids normally stay with their grandparents which is where parents always try and fob off their kids to?


There's a lot of "I" in your quote.

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