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What makes a good parent?

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There's a thread in Sheffield Discussion that's gone off topic and wandered into the realms of 'good parenting'. I think it deserves its own thread!:)


The other thread is about cannabis use. I have friends who occasionally smoke weed, but I consider them to be excellent parents. They have wonderful children and have created a wonderful environment in which to raise them. They have never smoked in the presence of the kids, and never would, but do you think their cannabis use means that they are in fact bad parents?


I've worked with hundreds of parents and their kids and have come across parents who tick all the boxes but still do a terrible job at raising children, and parents who tick none of the boxes but do a terrific job.


So, can you be an alcoholic and a good parent? Can you be a criminal and a good parent? Can you smoke in the presence of your kids and be a good parent? Can you do everything by the book still be a bad parent?


EDIT: I should have added that I think there is only one key factor that's required, and that's LOVE.

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A good parent is someone who is grown-up enough to know that it is their job to equip their children to grow up to make a positive contribution to the world around them.


A child is a person in their own right, not a weapon in their parents' personal battles with their family, with any form of authority or with society at large, nor an accessory to their lifestyle.

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A parent who is prepared to smack their kids and teach them a bit of discipline if they step out of line too many times. Sets you in good stead for the future.


Really? You might want to discuss that with social services because they have a different view and wouldn't hesitate to take your children off you, if you have any, for making a comment like that.

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Really? You might want to discuss that with social services because they have a different view and wouldn't hesitate to take your children off you, if you have any, for making a comment like that.


Smacking your own kids is not illegal and social service wouldnt do squat.

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Really? You might want to discuss that with social services because they have a different view and wouldn't hesitate to take your children off you, if you have any, for making a comment like that.


You need to learn the difference between keeping your children in check and child abuse. Many a time I have travelled to work on public transport only to find children who are screaming their heads off for no apparent reason other than they want something they can't have and the parents do nothing to alleviate the situation.

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Really? You might want to discuss that with social services because they have a different view and wouldn't hesitate to take your children off you, if you have any, for making a comment like that.


No, I discuss it with my kids first, and tell them they if they repeat misbehaving, they `ll be getting a smack.


They get told once, 90% of the time, thats sufficient.

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