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Council should let you vote on possible tenants

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And a lack of opportunity to rent for future generations.


I'm against Right to Buy in principle, but I don't blame individuals for buying their home, especially those that had lived in them for a long time. Most people who had the chance of a low valuation along with a large discount would have done the same.


Its surprising how many young people who want council houses don't realise the reason they have to wait a long time (if ever) is because their parents bought theirs. ;)


there are plenty of places to rent...on our council estate houses can be rented for £500 a month.....

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The fact remains the council is under an obligation to house families with a-s behaviour problems. Your argument seems to be I don't have a problem with them being housed, just not here! NIMBY?


Yes, pretty much

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You'd prefer that poor people pay rent to the council their whole lives and never get anything for it? Personally, I think it's better that they end up with a house of their own, and get some reward. But then, I'd prefer that poor people not be forced to remain poor.


I don't understand this, you should be rewarded for paying your rent, with the house, because you're poor ?

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And a lack of opportunity to rent for future generations.


I'm against Right to Buy in principle, but I don't blame individuals for buying their home, especially those that had lived in them for a long time. Most people who had the chance of a low valuation along with a large discount would have done the same.


Its surprising how many young people who want council houses don't realise the reason they have to wait a long time (if ever) is because their parents bought theirs. ;)

i also think the mass demolition programme what happened allover sheffield had something to do with it. oh and a reluctance to build houses to replace them .
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This would lead to massive amounts of segregation.


Consider Sheffield. 100000 on a waiting list. Under half that amount of properties, with under a tenth of that becoming available for let each year.


White English people would vote for White English neighbours.

Somali for Somali neighbours.

People would vote for their family members.

Attractive people would be housed at the expense of ugly people.

Etc. Etc.

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What bothers me is the council knock down housing, sometimes in rough areas, then all the tenants then get given priority, Now what should happen is , that if youve ever been complained about or caused trouble and hassle for your neighbours then your "priority" bid isnt allowed, Yes i own my property but i was brought up in council with nothing as my dad prefered a drink, But point being if i wanted to live near scum i could have bought a house in a different area ( wont mention any and get into the usual dabate) for a good 40-50 grand less, But i didnt want to live with scum so i picked my area and road carefully, Now the council, Who obviously have no common sense as ive found out today this "said" family, both parents have criminal records and one child was taken off them, So without being blunt there SCUM but never mind , lets shove these lowlifes on this nice quiet road. As someone has said you have to keep a record or noise and anti social behaviour?? I havent got time to be scribbling things down every 2 minutes for a long dragged out process, It should be easier to say , "Look council numpties, this family are scum and lowering the tone, please move to another area where they will feel more at home".

Everyone slates shiregreen ( myself included lol) but in the 1930's it was a lovely place to live, you were considered quite well off and posh, but over time scum have been moved in and the decent people outnumbered in some cases.

If i want to move ive to pay, council tenants dont

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This would lead to massive amounts of segregation.


Consider Sheffield. 100000 on a waiting list. Under half that amount of properties, with under a tenth of that becoming available for let each year.


White English people would vote for White English neighbours.

Somali for Somali neighbours.

People would vote for their family members.

Attractive people would be housed at the expense of ugly people.

Etc. Etc.


Maybe but i personally dont care what they look like or what colour they are aslong as they remember that some people work so not to be noisey after 9pm unless its a special occasion ofcourse, no shouting/swearing, I know more of her business than my own! Its ignorant and rude and common!

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But is it just me or wouldnt it be better to have all the "chavs and scum" in one place? lol Or maybe the council should just take more responsibility for the people they put in areas and not make it a long dragged out ordeal to complain about their actions? Theres no easy answer but sometimes i wish i could pick houses up with the scum in them and move them a good few roads away lol
I don't see why they shouldn't be spayed/neutered myself, and let them die out naturally


The point being, where do you draw the line?


I don't like it either. That's what ASBO's were created for

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