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Has anybody been paint balling


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Yes the balls are not cheap, so consider the price when booking... £35 per person is realistic.


I've been 5-6 times and the pain depends on where you get shot. I've seen a knuckle swell to half the size of an egg, but I've also been shot repeatedly at CLOSE range (including one to the back of my skull) and it's not that bad at all, minor bruise here or there, though you are human, things like that repair in a day or two (magic!)


All I will say is think about it before you book, close friends have booked for days with vouchers (this sounds identical to what they try to sell in town from those stalls) and trying to make it work is hard.


I bet the deal includes minimal paint balls so they will make money from you in the long run (I went to one place once where there were 9 games in total... which works out very cheap per game... until you remember you need balls for eveyr game.... so the more games they let you play, the more you spend....)

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  • 5 months later...

I took my 13 year old son and 5 of his mates to the new Asylum paintballing on Scotland Street yesterday and they had a fantastic time - it was a brilliant 1st time experience for them all and they talked about it all the way home.


We got a great deal on kgbdeals which included 100 paintballs in with the offer, and at the bloke who runs it's advice, they all bought an extra 200 paintballs each (this averaged 50 balls per game), at a cost of another £14.32 each.


They started at 1.30pm and I picked them up at 4.30pm and they had 6 different games. The manager was really enthusiastic, and even my lad's incessant questions didn't worry him at all. I can't recommend them highly enough.

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