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Islamic conribution to the world

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Indeed mel, what these idiots don't realise is that by asking these loaded questions they give people the opportunity to explode these myths about Muslims..in fact I wonder if mark I am is actually tab1 come back and playing a clever game? ;)


hoora. Finally someone has realised the way to deal with it. Stop labelling them as trolls and lets thrash these threads out. I'm sure we're all mature enough to sort the bull from the not so bull. If Islam has lasting power I'm sure we on SF won't hurt it.

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OK a few useful thing the Muslims have done for us:


Major advances in maths, astronomy, physics, chemistry (and alchemy at the time), medicine, optics, geography and cartography, surgery, cryptography, metalworking, architecture, ceramics, milling etc. etc. etc.

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The ignoramuses won't recognise the importance of that discovery Hashim, but this article explains the significance:




Certainly does,


I'm not to smart with maths, whats 520 from 570.


When and where did Islam begin?

Islam began historically on the Arabian peninsula, in the towns of Mecca and Medina (near the west coast inland from the Red Sea). Muhammad (570-632 CE) preached a message he (and all Muslims) believed to be revealed by God. Muslims believe him to an ordinary man with the extraordinary task of being God’s last and greatest prophet.

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In the light of Bounce's thread of American contribution to the world I thought it would be interesting to hear peoples' opinions on Islamic contribution to the world. So what are the positive things?


This is all a bit daft. Why does it automatically follow that when we've had a thread about America's (ie a country) Contribution to the World, we should have one about Islam (ie a religion)?


Why is it that when a Muslim invents something it is a Muslim or Islamic invention regardless of what country it originated in, but when quite possibly some things invented in the USA were invented by Christians, they are not deemed Christian inventions, they are just American?? :confused:


Surely if we're doing thing by country (as in the USA thread), then something invented by a Muslim in Saudi Arabia, should come under 'Saudi Arabia's Contribution to the World'.

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This is all a bit daft. Why does it automatically follow that when we've had a thread about America's (ie a country) Contribution to the World, we should have one about Islam (ie a religion)?


Why is it that when a Muslim invents something it is a Muslim or Islamic invention regardless of what country it originated in, but when quite possibly some things invented in the USA were invented by Christians, they are not deemed Christian inventions, they are just American?? :confused:


Surely if we're doing thing by country (as in the USA thread), then something invented by a Muslim in Saudi Arabia, should come under 'Saudi Arabia's Contribution to the World'.


In fact to extend that logic even further scuba, since America is a diverse culture made up of many races and religions there's nothing to say there are many American inventions which were conceived by Muslims/Sikhs/Hindus/Jews etc!

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Why is it that when a Muslim invents something it is a Muslim or Islamic invention regardless of what country it originated in, but when quite possibly some things invented in the USA were invented by Christians, they are not deemed Christian inventions, they are just American?? :confused:


Agreed, and what's to say these people wouldn't have invented what ever they invented if they wern't Muslim ?


Unless the teachings of Islam encourage inventing things and that drove the people concerned to invent something I think their (or anyone elses religion) is irrelevent.

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