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Islamic conribution to the world

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More sensational invective-what exactly is a 'spitefest against Europeans' and perhaps you could show me where I've engaged in one?


Just for the record, I am European and believe in a united European community, which is far more than your uber-meister Nick Griffin does.


If I didn't know better Streamline I'd believe you were trying to take the thread off topic since so much evidence of Muslim contributions to the world have been established and it rather sticks in your throat.


Ethnically you're not European and like a lot of people I don't agree with the political ideology of the EU either but yes a spitefest it is and you suck it up as if your life depended on it.


I'm not trying to take the thread of topic if I was going to do that I'd start mentioning all the contributions the western world has bought us but when I see you changing the goalpost then i tend to react.


Other than that, as part of my studies used many mathematical "tools" and recall once having to consider where they came from except perhaps in cases where a person's name was involved and the only debate I can ever recall is if Zero is a number or not. Some mathematicians believe it isn't if my memory serves me.

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Mark I am - just the way he introduces himself. Islam I hate. Are you a full shilling Mark, seriously? Are you a troll, full of irrational hate or just stupid? Maybe all three.


Tell us Mark, have you done ANY reall searching to find out about Islam and what Muslims did for us?


If I start one about the Romans, will you sit typing one liners?


No they didn't


Like what?


Wrong again


No way you smell of pee pee




do some searching strange hateful man, then read what you find, then open your mind and understand how bonkers you have been

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In fact to extend that logic even further scuba, since America is a diverse culture made up of many races and religions there's nothing to say there are many American inventions which were conceived by Muslims/Sikhs/Hindus/Jews etc!


You know BF I was thinking that too, some of the inventions that could be filed under the banner of America's Contribution to the World could easily be filed under those you mentioned too.

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You know BF I was thinking that too, some of the inventions that could be filed under the banner of America's Contribution to the World could easily be filed under those you mentioned too.


..and likewise some of the greatest scientists and statesmen from the Arab world have been Christians..the pioneering heart surgeon Sir Magdi Yacoub and Boutros Boutros-Ghali spring to mind.

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Well the country with the largest population of slaves seems to be India with approx 40 million low caste hindus being bonded workers. Rather kicks that thread of your frothing anti-islam rant off it's rails doesn't it?


What about the other 7?:D

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