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Going off grid and starting a small self suffient community

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Not really. It takes ten pounds of vegetation to support one pound of animal; if the people in a community want to eat animal meat instead of eating the vegetation directly, there must be ten times as much vegetation to make it viable.


It will be necessary, just like most small holding in the past, to also have a mix of animals as well. Chickens, pigs, sheep, cows and also horses to help with the heavy jobs. It make sense and would be needed in a small self sufficient community.

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Not really. It takes ten pounds of vegetation to support one pound of animal; if the people in a community want to eat animal meat instead of eating the vegetation directly, there must be ten times as much vegetation to make it viable.


But if instead of acres of pasture, you simply feed cavies, or even better for their input:output ratio, grubs and larvae. No need to grow feed for them, just start collecting organic waste that other people are tossing by the ton every day.


With a couple of dozen vats of invertebrates and some tech, you could trump conventional exothermic quadruped protein production on feed cost, time to market and nutritional value many times over.


The aesthetics would follow.


Anyone for land shrimp?

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That would be at birth by default, and every time there's a general election, respectively.


Exactly. But who is to say you can't take the bull by the horns and opt out?


You're suggesting that they go off the grid but remain within the system. A clear contradiction in terms.


It is if you've already crossed the t's and dotted the I's. It's a complicated one but as usual it's gone straight to "so you want to be a scrounger do you" thread. Just to clarify I should have said isolate yourself from the effects of the system on a personal level.


Off the grid isn't about denying the system exists or even co-existing maybe. The phrase probably has many connotations as it does for as many people. As regards health it may be just a case of dealing with it naturally, hell I wouldn't want to give anyone a heart attack if they thought they were paying for my medication. Who knows, without present day lifestyle pressures health may actually improve.



Specifically, you're suggesting they go off the grid when it's a case of putting into the system, but staying on it when it's a case of taking out; which would be selfish in the extreme, not to mention illegal.


I never suggested that. My reply was in answer to M Gobby's 1st post. It was an example of how the present system ironically has already created a situation he seems to be in fear of.

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... but what happens when you get sick? Is it the witch doctor or the NHS?


Fair do's if it's a knowing tax paying compromise but not if it's a pretence.



OP, what's the plan?


I'm sure anyone making such a massive decision on a totally new lifestyle wouldn't be in it to screw the taxpayer out of his/hers NHS contributions, I would hope the decision was made because of something a little more ethical. If not, all they have to do is sign on the dole, sit back, and it's ALL paid for. I think the idea has more to do with taking back your own future without heavy government bureaucracy involving itself like some suckling sow.

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You might be able to opt out of the existing economic system, but you would still be subject to the general law and local regulations, ie, building regs, health and safety, pollution control, planning laws, refuse disposal, water and sewage regulations, and all the rest of it.

I'm not too sure on the council tax liability on a communal dwelling, assuming it's divided up into separate units.

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10 plus families would take quite a large area of land. Possibly agricultural and wood land with a good water supply just for starters.


Just a thought, but if close to the sea. sea fishing would really help in the food production. Plus windpower.

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