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Who Was The First Pop Star You Saw Live?

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Gene vincent had a sore throat that night and didn't he also die in a car crash, a taxi on the way to/from the air port .....


I think you must be mixing him up with someone else grinder. Gene Vincent died in Newhall, California from a bleeding ulcer on October 12th, 1971 at the age of 36. :|

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I was there too, Eddie died a few days later in a car crash. The other British star that appeared was Vince Eager


En route to London Airport their car blew a tyre and crashed into a lamp post. All three were rushed to hospital. Gene Vincent was treated for broken ribs and collar-bone and further in3ury to his bad leg. Sharon Sheeley suffered a broken pelvis. Eddie Cochran had been thrown through the windscreen and had brain injuries. He never recovered, dying the next day in hospital at the age of twenty-one. He was buried quietly at Forest Lawn Cemetery in California.


I couldn't believe he was dead when I was a teen, he was definitely one of my heart-throbs.

I saw Vince Eager at the Peggy Tub in Stocksbridge, I actually got invited ( under false pretenses) up on stage, and he sat me on his knee and sang to me. :blush:

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Dave Berry. Not performing though, just collecting his sister from Shirecliffe Secondary School, where she was my teacher, class 1G. that was back in 62. Never seen Dave perform. Better hurry up before we both fade away.

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Dave Berry. Not performing though, just collecting his sister from Shirecliffe Secondary School, where she was my teacher, class 1G. that was back in 62. Never seen Dave perform. Better hurry up before we both fade away.


The Who - Sheffield City Hall 1966. Followed by Jimi Hendrix 1967. Never saw Dave Berry in 60's, except when he was in Davey's Delicassen on Fargate, but have seen him in recent years in Solid Silver Sixties show and he is a great showman and singer:D:D

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