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Gas and Electric this coming cold winter

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yep these thieving utilities will once again as we all know bang up the prices when usage is at a premium,why are they allowed to do what they do. They will say they have to pay for this and that and yet will still announce high profits which the pensioners who have died through not being able to keep warm will have no concern about, normal families will also have to drastically reduce ther usage this coming winter as i will, i hate these companies !

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switch off all apps at the socket when not in use, if you have a gas hob check before warming food up if you can use a microwave instead, have a shower instead of a bath, keep your heating on a constant low/ medium setting for longer periods instead of having it on full for say 2 or 3 hours, turn all lights off and keep doors and windows shut, fit draught excluders if possible, your bills will still be a rip off but i've found these few little steps saved me about 20% last year

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Check how well insulated your loft is now!


You can get insulation cheaper at this time of year, and getting it done now could help you feel the benefits when winter comes along.


I, in January checked out my GFs attic. She had no insulation at all ... just plasterboard!

I discovered the Government has a scheme whereby you can have insulation fitted at a very heavily subsidised price. This applies to everybody.

It cost £150 and that included fitting! The effect was immediate!

She was told to expect savings of up to 30%. Well done Government (for once!)

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Switch to a fixed rate now. You should be able to switch to something that matches or is slightly higher than your current tariff.


I switched 14 months ago, my fixed rate period has just finished and i've switched again to a tariff that is only going to cost me £5 a month more, fixed until the end of Sep 2012. By the time that finishes i'll have been paying basically the same for 4-5 years.


It's especially important for me to get a good deal as I use the same electricity in 3 months that the average household does in a year. (Koi pond and Marine Reef tank).


The days of just staying with one supplier and tariff are gone, you have to keep checking and taking the best deals.

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a good trick i found to keeping warm in Australian winters is wear two pairs of tracksuit pants,keeps the legs warm.


when you boil food,just simmer with lid on at lowest setting--will cook just as quickly.


or better still, bring food to boil and then switch gas/electricity off--food will still cook,just takes more time.

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