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Jaded Angels - A poem

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I’m knelt in supplication

in a vast cathedral hall

I feel the shards of angst

firing deep into my soul

I raise my eyes to search

for a god of purest love

I see only jaded angels

in the tapestry above


I look up at the crucifix

which towers over me

the mighty god of dust

is all that my eyes see

Communion candles burn

and emit a spectral light

casting dancing shadows

in this sacrilegious night


And I see that dust is god

And I see that god is lost

I see the twelve apostles

I see the holy pentecost

The father and the son

the bible and the myth

the suffering of christ

has a taste of bitter pith


I see the rictus smile

of a rider in pale green

and the four steeds of death

waiting for the final scene

A bloody crown of thorns

the whore of babylon

an apocalyptic dawn

blood of the chosen son


The crucifixes shadow

burns my exposed skin

it sears my mortal soul

but cleanses not the sin

The sacrificial lamb

the final twist of fate

Bleating on an atar

in front heaven’s gate

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