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Missing male company

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Dear Forum


I've realised just recently that I miss the company of men. I'm in danger of walking up to strange ones (men I don't know, I mean, not "strange") and asking if I can touch them. I don't mean in a pervy way, just, um, lay my hands on them to see if they're real... Obviously, this urge has to be contained. And, quickly.


I'm single (and female, 40s) and have suddenly noticed that I don't mix with men these days, and I miss it! I work from home, have female friends and female family (mum and sisters). My son's grown up and has left home and although we're still in touch by phone he doesn't live locally so I don't see him very often.


I've always worked in male-dominated sectors and I've taken the company of men for granted. I was also married to one, so we had the usual 'couple' social life.


I'm not looking for dates - plenty of websites for that, but it's not what I'm looking for. I'd just like to go places where MEN go! I want to hear men laugh, to hear their silly man-comments (said affectionately), listen to their banter. I want to mix with men (and women, I don't want to start hanging around football matches, snooker halls, strip joints or other places where it's mainly men) and just interact in the way that PEOPLE do.


I have plenty of interests - cinema, theatre, walking, foreign languages, historic buildings, local history, natural history, learning new skills, dogs, dancing (to northern soul and club music, yes I know I'm a bit old for that but hey), music. I'm also interested in exploring new avenues, new interests.


I'm a bit cash-poor, so joining groups such as SPICE are a little beyond my budget at the moment. When I go for a drink with a female friend I've noticed that, unlike when I was young, groups of guys (even in our age group) stick together and don't seem to ever approach women so no chance of being chatted up. Maybe it's just me, lol, not that I want to be seriously chatted up, just to exchange a bit of light-hearted silly banter for a little while.


I suspect your answers will include 'come to forum meets!' 'Come on forum walks!' And perhaps I've answered my own question to an extent.


Any other ideas? For my age group? And not really wanting to drink as the point of the evening? In my experience, evening classes such as foreign language conversation are mainly women, as are craft classes such as glass workshops. Keep fit/dance are obviously mainly attended by women. I've been to evening events eg at the Showroom (with a g/friend) but, everyone just sticks with their own group (obviously). I've also tried salsa dancing to Meet People, but it's so loud that there's no opportunity for chat even to women (and I don't want to look like the loony who engages everyone in conversation) and anyway the odd man who's there is greatly in demand. I want general banter, not a one-on-one shouted into the ear!What I'm looking for (bearing in mind that I've probably got to go on my own, as all my female friends are attached) is a class or group to join where there are intelligent people of both genders, enjoying what they're doing and chatting as they do so. I suppose I'm trying to emulate the experience of working with people, but in a social/learning setting.


I'm not particular about only mixing with people of my own age, but I would want a mixed age group - not wanting to only be with young 'uns.


Ideas welcome!

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...I'm in danger of walking up to strange ones (men I don't know, I mean, not "strange") and asking if I can touch them. I don't mean in a pervy way, just, um, lay my hands on them to see if they're real... Obviously, this urge has to be contained. And, quickly. ...

:hihi: Great image.

...intelligent people of both genders, enjoying what they're doing and chatting as they do so. I suppose I'm trying to emulate the experience of working with people, but in a social/learning setting ...

Voluntary work? Perhaps something outdoors/conservation-themed, like the National Trust Volunteers, or the BTCV. Nothing like bonding in a muddy field. Speaking of which (and I know you've already mentioned this), the Walking Group did seem to have a large and ever-increasing number of participants the last time I checked.


It looks like you have most bases covered already. Meeting intelligent, interesting folk is often more down to luck than good management. Do something you're enthusiastic about and committed to, rather than focussing on where all the good blokes might be hiding.

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