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'Undesirables' cannot be deported

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It has been drilled into me since I got here that if I break the terms of my visa I will be removed. If I now break the terms of my stay I have no one to blame but myself if I am then tossed out of the country.


People need to take responsibility for their own actions. Maybe if these folks KNEW they would be returned they may not break the law in the first place?


Unlike you many come here knowing that we would be unable to deport them and they spoil it for everyone. May be we should put them on one of the many uninhabited British islands. Gruinard Island is big enough to house a few criminals.

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If they commit these crimes then they are sentencing themselves to death surely?


If I know the outcome of something I do will be A then if I go ahead and do that thing and A happens I have no one to blame but myself surely?


I made the decision I must accept the consequences.


Also what if it wasn't you but you were found guilty. No system is fool proof. Does the death penalty sound so appealing now?


If it can be guaranteed they will face a fair trial in their home country I would say yes but not when it comes to persecution.

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Unlike you many come here knowing that we would be unable to deport them and they spoil it for everyone. May be we should put them on one of the many uninhabited British islands. Gruinard Island is big enough to house a few criminals.
Not unlike donuticus, many (if not most) immigrants don't take anything for granted in their country of adoption and you will find that, often as not -and very paradoxically-, once assimilated they can exhibit vastly more nationalist/xenophobic views than the indigenous population.


I don't know what to put it down to, but history shows the above phenomenon to be fairly constant. And, to be brutally honest, and though the niceties of the debate/intricacies of the EUHR do not escape me one bit, I'm very much in agreement with donuticus (as an immigrant myself ;)). In the end, it's probably a question of culture and education - culture foremost.

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A couple of others have posted the concept before me but it's bang on, though i prefer a different set of islands.


South Georgia and the South Sandwich Isles. Cost a few quid to set up but once you've got a few cheap barrack style huts set up then we can pack serious foreign criminals down there where they are still under the watchfull eye of good Queen Bess which will shut the judges in strasbourg up. Pay the Stills to deliver a few rations every now and then while they get self sufficient, then wait for the news to filter out to the "i want to come to the UK and commit serious crimes" community.


Sorted. :)

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A couple of others have posted the concept before me but it's bang on, though i prefer a different set of islands.


South Georgia and the South Sandwich Isles. Cost a few quid to set up but once you've got a few cheap barrack style huts set up then we can pack serious foreign criminals down there where they are still under the watchfull eye of good Queen Bess which will shut the judges in strasbourg up. Pay the Stills to deliver a few rations every now and then while they get self sufficient, then wait for the news to filter out to the "i want to come to the UK and commit serious crimes" community.


Sorted. :)


Who would police such an island and how would they do it? What if the prisoners formed an army?

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Who would police such an island and how would they do it? What if the prisoners formed an army?


No one and if they form an army who are they going to fight, each other?

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Who would police such an island and how would they do it? What if the prisoners formed an army?


I think they would be so busy trying to catch enough fish to survive till the Stills turned up with a sheep policing would not be an issue.


If they formed an army it would at least knock the Belgian Army off the bottom spot of least capable military force on the planet.

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No one and if they form an army who are they going to fight, each other?


I think they would be so busy trying to catch enough fish to survive till the Stills turned up with a sheep policing would not be an issue.


If they formed an army it would at least knock the Belgian Army off the bottom spot of least capable military force on the planet.


What sort of criminals would be on the un-policed island? Would it just be murderers or all types? Are you just condemning all people who are sent on this island to death and survival of the fittest?

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If they have had the good fortune to be accepted into this country to ensure their safety then they should keep to the letter of the law,if they break the law then they should be sent back to where they came from, the fault and the consequences is theirs alone ,if they cant uphold the law in those circumstances they will sure as hell not uphold in any othe,.

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Who would police such an island and how would they do it? What if the prisoners formed an army?


I suppose we could ask the Aborigines of their experiences of delinquent convicts arriving on their doorstep ;)

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