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Do you walk home at night on your own??


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Just a word of warning to all the ladies, or men unable to throw a good old-fashioned right hook..


One of my friends, quite a good looking little thing, was walking home from a club on her own tonight going to the Forge Student village. She's a student and despite my warnings she still decides to save herself the 3 pound fare and walk home accross Sheffield. It's not far, but as I always say, it's under a subway and accross some not very busy area's.


Anyway, she's walking home when some forgien (African?) looking bloke (yeah you know the type!) Not a racism thing, but it seems to be a certain type of race that deems it culturally exceptable to hit on women in this way, tries to hit on her.


She says he was waiting at the bottom of the Moor. She goes a different way, and next thing she knows he's grabbing her arm going "Don't be scared, I'll walk you home". I can only imagine an ugly, skinny bloke doing this would scare the **** out of anybody. He kept following her and saying the usual "I'll look after you and walk you home, where do you live".


I think this is horrible. She said the bloke seemed sober. So I'm guessing it's not neccerssiary a drunk, horny bloke on a night out and more a planned idea. (I've heard variations from MANY of my female flat mates of blokes driving up to girls and saying What's your name, where do you live, I'll take you home etc). Actually said "How old are you ? You aren't old enough to be out on your own, I'm taking you home". (She's 18 btw!) I'm not being funny, but i've seen "this type" do the same all over Sheffield, drive up in cars, hang out around the peace gardens, go to bars on their own and stand in the corner eyeing up the skirts! imagine if it's your girlfriend. Pherhaps totally wasted / unable to defend herself / late and deserted... GRR!


Anyway she flagged down a taxi, with this bloke still following her, and she said to the taxi driver what had happened. He chased the guy off / dissed the guys momma / gave him abuse and reported it to the police, and took her home for free.


Anyway, just a notice should any of you new students or local girls need persuading to get a taxi in future... The girl in the story however... needs little convincing :P


Here's a good taxi number (RCA) = 0114 239 3939


Goddam scum of the earth! :suspect:

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A mate of mine lives in the Forge and is well scared of the subways for good reason. She always gets taxi's home from mine (West One) which is just over 2 roundabouts, but nethertheless its miles safer for her... Unless I haven't been drinking ofcourse, then I take her :)


This is absolutely terrible and I think you are right to presume that this act was premeditated and he went out with the intention to lure a young girl that possibly knew very little of the city. There's some really sick people out there :loopy:

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I think the area your mate lives in is dodgy any time of day or night. I work round there and avoid the subways even in daylight (unless there are plenty of people around).

There always seems to be dodgy characters hanging around lately. I definitely wouldn't walk round there at night alone.

But maybe I'm just a scaredy cat?!?

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Used to do it in my student days. Just get it in my head that it was time to leave (usually drop at the city hall) and stomp back to Hunters Bar. Don't know if I was trying to prove how independent I was or saving £4 but despite warnings would think I was invincible.


Wouldn't do it now though.......in fact now I look at woman walking home alone and think how unwise they are being.


Same thing happened to me once......had got to the bottom of Ecclesall Rd when bloke decided he would escort me home no matter how much I told him I was fine. Trying to put his arm round me etc. He was totally sober which did make you wonder why he was out and about at 2am and that was a good 10 yrs ago. Ducked into fast food place to get rid of him.

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i always leave taxi money at home with my mum so


1 - i dont spend it on more vodka


2 - my arranged lift for what ever reason disapears/we have a row or whatever


3 - i know i can always get home safe



P.S my mum still gives me 30p for the phone when ever i leave the house so i can phone home if ever im in an emergancy situation aw bless im 24!!!!!!:loopy:

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hehe...bet the 30p goes towards vodka! ;)


i don't have a problem walking home alone late...tho i'll avoid subways if i can. usually end up in a cab tho, cos i'm lazy :P


and if i saw a vulnerable/nervous-looking woman (or bloke for that matter) i would offer to walk her/him home, or at least far enough to get out of the city centre.

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That underpass is always bad - I work late quite a lot and walking through there there's some right weirdoes, even early in the evening. It's not really a student area, it will become one, but I certainly woudn't recommend walking around on your own at night there.

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:rolleyes: some people seem to think they are invincible :rolleyes:


I always made sure I knew who I was coming home with before I went out when I was a student. I once went ballistic at my next door neighbour after we got separated at Roxy's (coz he'd gone home with some girl he took a shine to) and I decided it was far safer to take a school friend home to mine than to tackle the journey alone :rant:


And I never used the subways either - unless there were several of us together. Arundle Gate used to have Armaco down the middle too. Not easy to negotiate in a pair of spiky boots :suspect:

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