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Do you walk home at night on your own??


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I never hesitated to walk all over the city at any time of the day or night as a fit young student. I was also trained to use and carried a multitude of large, visible and (police licensed) heavy weaponry like battle axes, swords and spears over my shoulder most of the time, as most of my unaccompanied night forays were to battle and reenactment training sessions. I walked from near the Botanical Gardens to Walkley and down into town, and home again at least twice a week. This, and the feeling of being invincible that youth brings, meant that I didn't give my own safety a second thought at the time, and I was prepared to use the subways in town at 2am in full Roxy gear.


I wouldn't do it now though. I feel like Sheffield is getting a more dangerous place to be, and only part of that stems from my lack of ability to defend myself these days. These days I'm in the car, with the doors locked of course, and I wouldn't advise people to walk about at night in certain areas at all. I feel safe round near home, but then I'm 200 yards from a cop shop, so I ought to feel safe.

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Originally posted by Bad_Hair_Day

I think the area your mate lives in is dodgy any time of day or night. I work round there and avoid the subways even in daylight (unless there are plenty of people around).

There always seems to be dodgy characters hanging around lately. I definitely wouldn't walk round there at night alone.

But maybe I'm just a scaredy cat?!?


I understand fully why no one would walk alone around that area (forge student flats and bramel lane area) on there own at night. But i dont see why we should be afraid to walk there during the day....now i aint the biggest of guys (6ft 5, but a skinny git) although i can handle myself if push came shove. But I wont let anyone make me fear walking in these areas in my city during the day by mylsef.


I go to hallam uni (when not on exchange!) and i always worn my mates to avoid walking in these areas by themselves at night, and thankfully (even the blokes) have headed my warnings....sometimes if the girls insist on walking i will walk them back even though its well out of my way just because there to drunk to know what they are doing.


Its a shame that it has become like this.

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I find sometimes that there's no option but to start walking home late at night because there are not nearly enough taxis around. I even remember one incident where I had been waiting at a taxi rank alone for about 10 mins with no taxi in sight. A big group of lads came round the corner, saw me stood waiting and them bagged the first taxi that came round the corner before I could even move. And to top things off they shouted "sorry love" out of the window as they passed. I have to wait another 10 mins for a taxi.


I think taxi drivers have to be generally more considerate - always taking people from the front of the queue and probably giving preference to women who are alone as well. I also think men have to think a bit more about their actions. The men who jumped into what should have been MY taxi obviously didn't think too much about how long I might have been waiting and were obviously not too bothered about leaving me alone waiting even longer. I have also had men start talking to me on the street at night - they've usually had a few drinks and are only trying to be friendly - but it can be very intimidating when you're on your own.

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Originally posted by NUTTERS

I understand fully why no one would walk alone around that area (forge student flats and bramel lane area) on there own at night. But i dont see why we should be afraid to walk there during the day....now i aint the biggest of guys (6ft 5, but a skinny git) although i can handle myself if push came shove. But I wont let anyone make me fear walking in these areas in my city during the day by mylsef.


I go to hallam uni (when not on exchange!) and i always worn my mates to avoid walking in these areas by themselves at night, and thankfully (even the blokes) have headed my warnings....sometimes if the girls insist on walking i will walk them back even though its well out of my way just because there to drunk to know what they are doing.


Its a shame that it has become like this.

Who says our education system hasn't gone to the dogs? :roll:

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it does shock me how many girls I know who insist on walking home on their own. There are bits of Sheffield I wouldn't want to walk alone around at night and I'm a big lad.


for the sake of 2 drinks girls please get a taxi.

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I have to say I have walked home alone when I lived in the City Centre. Fortunately I was fine but I shouldn't have done it - I was petrified the whole time !


I have had a very bad experience with a taxi driver though, not in Sheffield but in my home town of Blackburn. I was on my own then too. I was absolutely petrified.


I think the lesson to be learnt here is that you should always make sure someone you know will accompany you home safe.

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I have also had bad experiences with taxi drivers.


My general rule is until about 10pm I'll walk on my own where its well lit (never in the subway that is asking for trouble!). I carry a rape alarm. After that I get someone to pick me up. Thankfully I have loving boyfriend and male friends who are willing to walk all over town to help me out.


Or I phone a taxi.

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