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Do you walk home at night on your own??


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I have never really worried about walking all over sheffield to get home from a night out. I often get a taxi because i'm lazy, but sometimes there aren't any around or you've spent all your money and want to get home. I've rarely had any trouble (only on 2 occasions in the 7+years i've lived here - both early on in evenings), and i used to walk home from headcharge at the arches on my own quite a lot.


Mind you, i always go out in trainers and know that I can run away fast!



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Originally posted by Strix

Only to those who should know better :roll:

This guy claims to be attending Hallam Uni - what does that say about the current standard of education?


I just thought some people may want to be more productive with their lives than just pull up people on spelling. It isn't a writer's forum is it?

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We always used to walk back after headcharge, back in the day. A good walk is what you need to chill out...it was always light by the time we left anyway.


On a different note, i really want to go for a run tonight but have been a bit spooked by all your stories. I usually run down psalter then and then back up eccleshall road - anyone got any views on jogging in the evening, or even better, any ideas of well-lit safe routes?



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