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Do you walk home at night on your own??


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No-where is safe these days.

My girlfriend was once followed all the way from Rotherham bus station by a man into Sheffield, then all the way to my house on the Cross estate. All the while pestering her on the bus about how much he was in love with her and how he wanted to take her home with him. :loopy:

She had to run into a nearby shop to phone me up and come rescue her. She was absolutely terrified at the time.

By the time i'd got there and get my hand's on him he'd just jumped onto the bus heading back into the town.

On another occasion she was molested by a stranger on the bus.

Bizzarely enough both was of African decent.....Without turning this into a race issue, it could be true in some cases about it being a cultural thing. i.e. What's acceptable in one country is'nt acceptable behaviour in another.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was pounced upon at the bottom of the Moor. This guy decided i looked cold andf decided i needed a hug....and alone let go wen i began to struggle. Since then i've noticed him a few times around there at those bus stops. He never gets on a bus and just stands there starin @ women in a peverted way. He's always wearing the same clothes too. yuk!



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