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Not bad to say she makes money from the unemployed & disabled

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Yeah. Surely nothing at all to do with the night walks, orienteering, abseiling, caving, weaseling, adventure talks or adventure walks :roll:


I'm simply talking about the Hall itself, 0742sheff. You can go for "night walks, orienteering, abseiling, caving, weaseling an adventure talks and walks" etc, without having a Hall to do it, in fact, I think a lot of this has continued since the Hall has been occupied. Obviously, we were at cross-purposes.:)

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would like to know how the process actually works that they do.


People are forced into a crap job for crap money (usually the genuine cases, the snides know how to play the system) after forced to attend a stupid course and made to feel as small as possible by some little hitler, targets get met or made up,rich tossers get richer and buy mansions and flash cars, the end.

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I am amazed at the comments on here - naive probably to say the least.

So just how does this all work. I was always under the impression that A4e was a government initiative. We at the rescue have been approached by a4e to take on people. When i have even had 2 people come (2 didn't bother) they were absolutely useless and I wouldn't have had them at any cost - let alone them being hand picked for a role working with vulnerable animals.


I really am shocked at the comments displayed on here and would like to know how the process actually works that they do.


The process is emma and her armarda of nasty incompetents get very rich with taxpayers money, and nobody but them benefits.

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why dont the DWP just use the provision which is free to them - Remploy. Rather than using a private money making company like A4e,


Remploy also gets paid as they have one of the main contracts which at the moment gets subbed out to Wise Ability.


What the people on these schemes need to ask is whether the companies that will be doing these work trials are adequately insured for volunteers. Employees liability insurance does not cover them and in most cases nor will public liability insurance.


Companies such as Rainrescue who may take on people for worktrials should check their policies. There is also the Data Protection Act to consider.

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I really am shocked at the comments displayed on here and would like to know how the process actually works that they do.


I can only speak from my own experience with A4e a long time ago. They spent the first few weeks trying to send me on extended courses for qualifications i already have (one of the courses was 3 weeks long when anyone can take the test in 30 minutes themselves). Once they realized i had all the qualifications and training needed to do my job they had no option but to accept that they really couldn't help me. In fact, i was providing them with specialist agencies in my field.

From then on it was just calling in for a cuppa and listening to the advisers bragging about how many people they had set up with meaningless jobs that month. On one occasion i witnessed one adviser openly telling a guy to lie when it came to his security guard background.


They don't really offer support. They click away at their screens and move on to the next step when their computer tells them to. Often forcing people in to totally unrelated schemes/work programs. A4e are playing at caring. They are playing at actually wanting to get people in to suitable work. They are playing the system as much as the doleites that are referred to them and that is the reason why Emma has 55 million pounds to splash about.


As said earlier in this thread. Why not use the 14k to subsidise an employer to help cover wage costs over a couple of years. That could actually lead to a meaningful position rather than just plonking people in any old job doing something they don't like and likely to manufacture a way out within months.


A4e = Anything for £ IMO

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When are people going to realise that people do not make money? That is done by the Royal Mint. What they mean is how can they get their hands on other peoples' money and let's face it, they do this by ripping off people and scamming them.


And another thing, why do people have to continually assert themelves and their material wealth over other people? Surely they can't be that insecure have to continually reinforce their own beliefs? What do I care if she lives in the Peak District or has 4 kids?

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I am amazed at the comments on here - naive probably to say the least.

So just how does this all work. I was always under the impression that A4e was a government initiative. We at the rescue have been approached by a4e to take on people. When i have even had 2 people come (2 didn't bother) they were absolutely useless and I wouldn't have had them at any cost - let alone them being hand picked for a role working with vulnerable animals.


I really am shocked at the comments displayed on here and would like to know how the process actually works that they do.

the people who go through a4e s door dont go willingly they are blackmailed into losing their benefit if they refuse .i know of 2 people who have been through the doors and if a4e helped them in getting certain tickets renewed they would have been back in employment today. i wonder why they dont do this ?
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People are forced into a crap job for crap money (usually the genuine cases, the snides know how to play the system) after forced to attend a stupid course and made to feel as small as possible by some little hitler, targets get met or made up,rich tossers get richer and buy mansions and flash cars, the end.


Indeed, and don't even get me started on the likes of a4e, I went on a similar course when I was 19, having just come back from 2 years at College in Grimsby, I was the eldest on the course, and they kept making a big thing of that fact, and all we ever did was play Hangman on scratty bits of paper, and occassionally they'd actually do something work related like help us put together a CV, which we'd then walk round shops and Offices in Town with begging (literally) firms to take us on! :rant:


Suffice to say that after 5 months (including 4 months on placement in Oxfam on King St) I told Roger Worth Training they could sod right off and I was going back to local College to do an NVQ course in Retail, which I did successfully, trouble is all the shops now reckon shopwork's beneath me and I'm over-qualified! I officially give up! :rant:

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my sister used to work for this company and she told me some stories about, how basically the company forces them to get as many people through thier system per day as they can and if they spend more than 15 mins on each person they run behind and had to work through thier breaks to catch up.

Yes there are a certain few who are above all this and take great pleasure in basically bullying the rest into compliance, my sister had to leave the job because of targeted bullying toward her which caused a stress related, she also told me few little secrets about who sleeps with whom and so on, its like an episode of corrie.

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So just how does this all work. I was always under the impression that A4e was a government initiative.


I really am shocked at the comments displayed on here and would like to know how the process actually works that they do.


How does it all work? Well, so far the comments on this thread have just about summed A4e up (especially binster post #3). But don't worry, this thread will probably get 'pulled' (like most of the others about A4e) or, at least hijacked by the 'feckless', 'unemployed', 'don't want work' brigade).


As most people are aware, the Job Centres are failing organisations. Like huge organisations everywhere, they have attracted a core of useless staff who have been able to shelter under the very umbrella of being large in size, and therefore providing many corners where incompetent people can hide. (Think NHS, Royal Mail, Local Authorities etc.)


The JC's time as being merely a place where people come in, sign and leave is over. The new Government has decided to be seen to be 'doing something' and therefore want everybody to be in employment. The fact that jobs simply don't exist any more seems to have eluded them.


Avariscious companies such as A4e, Remploy, WiseAbility, Shaw Trust etc. (and others who will, no doubt, spring up) have been entrusted by the powers-that-be to largely take over what was once perceived as the Job Centres' role of guidance, steering towards suitable employment etc. Under orders, the JC staff now (sometimes gleefully) mandate 'long-term (about 6 months) unemployed' towards these 'external providers'.


This silent coup is almost complete. The Job Centre and A4e stationary now display each others logos.


The mandatory attendance to these providers' courses - without regard to peoples ages, qualifications, prior knowledge, work histories etc. - is underpinned by the threat of complete withdrawal of people's benefits for non-compliance.


So far, so reasonable. This country, thanks mostly to Governments incompetence over many years, has a huge and growing problem with unemployment, training etc. But here's where the wheels come off...


The stories about A4e are legion. Untrained and bullying staff on poor wages with absolutely no qualifications are entrusted to change attitudes, perceptions and so forth for their client base. Of course, they are not capable of doing this and the whole process becomes one of effective incarceration with an absolutely disproportionate amount of time being spent on the production of their Holy Grail - the CV. This can be spun out for weeks. After all, show 20 people a CV and you'll get 20 different opinions as to how they should be laid out.


Having wasted around a month of the (yet to be confirmed) 12 months on Flexible New Deal, how is the other 11 months going to be spent? Training? Of course not! As stated, A4e (and the rest) do not employ one single, qualified trainer worth the name. Instead, they are a disparate bunch who, when you get to hear their work histories, have never held what could be called a 'proper' job but - for the £16k - £18k a year they earn - are more than willing to display their superiority over their clients.


No, instead the rest of the sentence (and there is no other word for it) is spent time-filling, laughable 'team-building' exercises and looking at out-of-date newspapers, websites etc. to 'prove' that x-amount of jobs have been applied for. How many? Well, let's start at 3 a week. This number goes up every week with the absolutely inevitable result of people going through the motions and applying for positions for which they have no qualifications, prior knowledge, experience or interest. Simply wasting everybodys time and giving A4e - and the rest - a shocking reputation where only thoroughly venal employess such as Poundland would touch their clients with a bargepole.


A previous poster asked why this £14k 'finders fee' doesn't go towards a putative employer to subsidise wages. Fat chance! No, A4e prefer to waste £30k on a fully-refurbished VW Camper (in the foyer at Queen Street). This grandiose act of folly no doubt impresses visiting dignitaries such as David Blunkett (also paid £30k a year by A4e) to ensure contracts are thrown in A4e's direction.


I'm afraid nothing will change. Not as long as ludicrous figures such as Hayley Taylor (ex-A4e) are given the opportunity to spout off on rubbish such as C4's 'The Fairy Jobmother'. Not as long as the Government (of all colours) continue to lie about unemployment being 'around two-and-a-half million'.


And not as long as JC staff refuse to 'grow a pair' (© J. Kyle) and realise that they are, lemming-like, hastening their own demise. (although the thought of bullying JC staff reporting for their first day at A4e does fill me with delicious Schadenfreude!)


Good luck to anybody in, or about to be in, unemployment. You'll need it.

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