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Time to ban ice cream vans ? they are loud and encourage obesity

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Should skinnies be refused sick bags on planes, or diet cokes in McD's? Never had you down as a fatcist, Mr Prime.:hihi:


Well most people are overweight to a small inevitable degree or a bit portly, then there are the kind of monsters seen shoving burgers through school fences and waddling around eating McDonald's mega meals when they've had quite enough already. Extremes either way are wrong and ultimately cost us. The interview with specialists at Rotherham hospital in that Jamie's School Dinners programme shocked me. The lack of discipline disgusts me.

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Well most people are overweight to a small inevitable degree or a bit portly, then there are the kind of monsters seen shoving burgers through school fences and waddling around eating McDonald's mega meals when they've had quite enough already. Extremes either way are wrong and ultimately cost us. The interview with specialists at Rotherham hospital in that Jamie's School Dinners programme shocked me. The lack of discipline disgusts me.


So, people with eating disorders are 'monsters' and 'disgust you' for their lack of discipline, oh no, I get it, just the fat ones. :rolleyes:

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Surely encouraging children to run out to the ice cream van is healthier than having them sitting in their rooms all day playing on computer games? You are supposed to encourage them to take their eyes off the screen for at least 10 minutes every hour to protect their eyesight.


A good compromise would be for ice cream vans that didn't sell ice creams. Sorted.

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That's why I reply to them.


It's all part of the game.


A good compromise would be for ice cream vans that didn't sell ice creams. Sorted.

Like burger vans do or don't :suspect: . They don't sell ice cream or play jingles so it must be healthier.:hihi:

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So, people with eating disorders are 'monsters' and 'disgust you' for their lack of discipline, oh no, I get it, just the fat ones. :rolleyes:


A common argument, let's say that 25% have eating disorders, glandular problems or depression. Most would say 25% is being generous, that still leaves 75% who just shovel trash down daily. You can see it when the whole family is fat and they're all waddling along eating McDonalds or in the supermarket buying chicken nuggets and other trash. Do whole families have eating disorders? If you are a stone or two overweight then so be it, anything more and you don't have the complaints that lead to weight gain then it's just pure greed. Maybe I'm completely wrong but most people agree with the views that I've put here politely. You should hear some of the merciless comments I've heard people make about fatties, I'm often seen as the 'liberal' for agreeing that disorders and other conditions are even a cause. A lot of people just say it's greed and anything else is just an excuse.

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This op must be a troll post. Never read owt so daft in my 61 years. But I will fall for it and reply.


My old mum had a secret weapon to stop me getting obese. NO, and if I moaned about not getting an ice cream, a clip round the lug was the order of the day.


To-days little darlings are so used to getting owt they want, no wonder most of them are fat and unhealthy, I want a Mc Donalds, I want ice cream, I want Kentucky fried Chicken, I want pop. NO. NO. NO. NO.and NO.


Get outside and have a game of footie, tigs, hide and seek, owt to get them away from the bloody computor, x box or whatever they sit in front of while munching on chips, cake and the like. No wonder our kids are getting like lumps of lard, is it any wonder.





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A common argument, let's say that 25% have eating disorders, glandular problems or depression. Most would say 25% is being generous, that still leaves 75% who just shovel trash down daily. You can see it when the whole family is fat and they're all waddling along eating McDonalds or in the supermarket buying chicken nuggets and other trash. Do whole families have eating disorders? If you are a stone or two overweight then so be it, anything more and you don't have the complaints that lead to weight gain then it's just pure greed. Maybe I'm completely wrong but most people agree with the views that I've put here politely. You should hear some of the merciless comments I've heard people make about fatties, I'm often seen as the 'liberal' for agreeing that disorders and other conditions are even a cause. A lot of people just say it's greed and anything else is just an excuse.


Mr Prime, you make your points well here, as is the norm, and I agree, your language is tame compared to how many on here describe their loathing for fatties.


It might be me, but I feel I simply cannot accept that people who are so large, their daily activities are impaired by their weight, continue to knowingly exacerbate that situation by 'shovelling trash daily' down their throats, if they can help it.


We are not talking about unintelligent or uneducated people here. We would have to be dead to the world to not know what foods and amounts are good for us by now. You mention depression, and I believe this is a major factor, often borne out of poor body image, creating dangerously low self esteem. We llive in society where size zero is now worshipped and anything more is ugly, and even hideous.


One of the worst contributory factors is the shocking way fatties are treated in our society. Words like 'hideous', 'gross', 'sicken', 'disgust', 'repulse', 'hate', 'loathe' feature incessantly in how we talk about fatties, and stereotypes of 'lazy', 'undisciplined', 'greedy' appear alongside, and almost always go unchallenged - fatties have become so ostricized and on the fringes of society, that they are even too embarassed of their appearance to even stand up for themselves, for heavens sake. Jeez, that's some powerful bullying going on, there. The use of these words does a great job in persecuting and alienating fatties, adding to the vicous cycle, forcing them to retreat from society. If anyone used such abusive and pernicious language whilst referring to ANY other characteristic of someones appearance (oh, except for ginger haired!:rolleyes:), like the colour of their skin, for example, they would be rightly harangued. But where are all the good people when it comes to sticking up for the rights of their fellow human beings here? Nowhere to be seen, because fatties don't share the same rights. But yet scientists have proven that some people inherit 'fat genes' just as you inherit the colour of your skin, and hence, the reason for some 'fat families' you will see.


It is socially acceptable to use hateful language when speaking about fatties, I don't think I've ever seen such hateful language used against fatties go unchallenged on any other type of thread on the forum, by either other forummers, or a single Moderator, but fatties are fair game. The result? They don't feel able to go to the gym, the pool, even for a walk, as they are embarrassed that they even exist in the state that they are and society has to accept some of the blame here. There is little means of an escape from their suffering, except, perhaps to risk everything and go under the surgeon's knife. Unless we embrace fatties and love them as the beautiful people they are, as we all are, then the downward spiral of rising obesity figures will continue. Fatties need your acceptance, so that they can learn again to accept themselves and find the courage, and heart to face their issues.


Fatties have ears, eyes, hearts, feelings, and are deserving of your respect and your love too, even if society has made them lose the respect and love they once had for themselves, no, especially if.

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