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Cats Fouling and their owners

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Why is that unrealistic?


This is a preventably problem and people if they wish have a pet have to take on the responsibilty.


All the dog owners I know clear their dogs mess and ensure they're dogs 'don't get out' at cost to themselves. Why should people who have cats be any different.


Not all dog owners clear their dog's mess up.


But if one killed Sue's Budgie we'd all be happy.



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I would be quite happy to clear up what my cat produces as I feel I am a responsible pet owner, however I would be interested to know how you can "prove" which cat in the neighbourhood has produced which mess and therefore hold it's owner responsible.


In our street there are a dozen or more cats that visit neighbouring gardens on a regular basis. I don't know which mess belongs to my cat and which belongs to my neighbours cat. So I clean the lot up!

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I would be quite happy to clear up what my cat produces as I feel I am a responsible pet owner, however I would be interested to know how you can "prove" which cat in the neighbourhood has produced which mess and therefore hold it's owner responsible.


In our street there are a dozen or more cats that visit neighbouring gardens on a regular basis. I don't know which mess belongs to my cat and which belongs to my neighbours cat. So I clean the lot up!



It's quite easy it's either the black cat or the tabby cat we regularly see crouching down there.

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Can I point you in the direction of at least half a dozen pointless, useless threads concerned with owners being responsible for their cats? At least I would but I'm too busy stifling a yawn.


Are your sure it's cats? Cats do tend to go where they can bury what they've done in soil or cat litter etc. I must admit I've never seen a cat urinate on a hard surface and the only cat I've seen poo on a pavement was very ill.


This is why im thinking, could it be a FOX poing, OP?

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I am currently luring a couple of cats who keep going in my garden (all over my lovely home grown veg, that they then scratch to death trying to bury their poo) into a false sense of security. I have notes ready to attach to their necks asking their owners to come clean up the poo and pay for my veg that has been ruined.


I think they sense my plan though as they don't come too near at the moment. All in good time though!


Why the hell I should clean up the s**t of someone elses pet is beyond me. Your pet, your responsibilty.

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This is why im thinking, could it be a FOX poing, OP?


Definately cats we chase them off all the time.


Although this is probably frivolous compared to other stuff they deal with, I may contact my MP. You'd think by the sheer weight of postings and threads on here that 'Cat Legislation' would be a vote winner :-)

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