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Is The BBC Left Wing Or Right Wing?

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All media companies are politically motivated but their political perausion often changes to fit in with public opinion, sometimes they will try to change public opinion to suit their own views ... so what does it matter?

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People on the right accuse it of being left wing; people on the left accuse it of being right wing. As long as it continues to be accused of both, it's probably doing what it should be.


Exactly, I have always said this too when the whingers blow a fuse simply because it doesn't agree with them.


Thatcher and Blair both tore their hair out over it, demanding it do as ordered by the government forgetting it's charter of impartiality. Tebbit even called it the 'Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation' in 1986 yet in 1984 when it broadcast the 'Battle of Orgreave' from the miners strike it edited the footage to provide us with the strange spectacle of miners in jeans and t shirts attacking tooled up Police without provocation thus 'proving' to the dim that the miners were thugs. It was proved in the riot trial when unedited police footage was shown that the police started on the miners and they kicked back in anger. So in 2 years it kissed and kicked government arse.


In more recent times the BBC had a calm objective view of the Iraq war. The Sun, Mail and the right wing of the nation demanded the BBC simply be a war cheerleader in the name of patriotism as if it was the 40's. When the BBC did not it was accused of being left wing. The Sun and it's owners, the very grubby Murdoch family keep banging on about this because of their sincere belief that the public should not have to pay for the BBC. It has nothing to do with their desire to fill in the vacum and corner the media market at all obviously.


In short then the BBC has managed to offend all shades of opinion for decades and long may it continue to do so. A quick look at American TV shows the ugly alternative.

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In more recent times the BBC had a calm objective view of the Iraq war. The Sun, Mail and the right wing of the nation demanded the BBC simply be a war cheerleader in the name of patriotism as if it was the 40's.


Actually I seem to remember it was Blair and his attack dog Campbell.

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Actually I seem to remember it was Blair and his attack dog Campbell.


Well I mentioned Blair tearing his hair out which was over the same issue. Concurrently the right wing media went mad that it didn't talk teary eyed about 'our boys'.

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