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Why do you bother with TV?

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The license fee pays for the output of the BBC so that they don't have to carry advertisements on all their radio and TV channels. So long as they keep producing high quality programmes I'm happy to pay it, just not to see adverts.


I'd prefer to see adverts. Adverts don't particularly bother me.


If they insist on not having advertising though, they should at least make it a subscription service for the people that care that much about the BBC that they want to pay for it, because I don't

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Can't be regulated, wont hold up in court.


Doesn't need to be regulated, just needs to be proven that you did it to hold up in court. Which isn't trivial or likely, I'm just saying that that's what the law says.

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But I can choose to buy cable or satellite TV if I want. Or I can put up rabbit ears and watch network TV for free. Nobody will try to break into my house to find out I'm pirating. Try that in your paradise.:hihi:


So you accept that you have no right to watch whatever you want for free. You have a choice to pay for it or not. I'm glad we agree.


In the UK there is no free to air broadcast, so you can choose to pay for it or not, just like you.

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I'd prefer to see adverts. Adverts don't particularly bother me.


If they insist on not having advertising though, they should at least make it a subscription service for the people that care that much about the BBC that they want to pay for it, because I don't


The BBC is well aware that the tiny number of people who would willingly pay for its content are simply too few to support the extravagant lifestyles of its super rich executives and 'talent'.


This is why it relies upon threats and intimidation to bully the public into paying for its mediocre 'services'.


"No one is going to tempt people into paying: the only method is the fear of what will happen if you don't."


Esther Rantzen, Broadcaster, on the funding of the BBC.

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The license fee pays for the output of the BBC so that they don't have to carry advertisements on all their radio and TV channels. So long as they keep producing high quality programmes I'm happy to pay it, just not to see adverts.


I wish it was possible to pay an annual fee to the cable or satellite companies and then be able to watch their programmes free of adverts. I hate TV adverts and the commercial breaks are getting longer and more frequent.


I agree with you on the adverts. If I'm going through the lineup and I see a program about to start that I would like to watch I just record it on the DVR and switch to golf, soccer or basketball on another channel. Ads on sports channels dont seem to be so frequent or annoying as on non-sports channels or at least not to me. Later I can watch the recorded program and fast forward the ads.

Fortunately the Premium movie channels such as HBO, Showtime, Starz and Cinemax do not show commercials during their films but we pay a little extra to have them added to the basic cable nerwork lineup

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Now let's move on to home invasion. That daft Americanism, used by Americans and mindless cretins, is a clear lie.

The TV licencing people have no right of entry at all. The only way you'll get a your gaff entered is by a court if you refuse to pay fines.


I'll look at another scenario based on a cretin's posts.


He refused to pay for the licence because he claims only to watch ITV or some other pathetic excuse.

He got found out and was stupid enough to allow the licence people entry when he didn't have to.

He ended up in court for breaking the law and got fined.

He, being a cretin, refused to pay and got hammered for his stupidity.


He then wanders around forums trying to tell users the licencing people can break into your house to check if you have a TV.


Many doors have a knob to open them with. Your cranium seems to share a trait with such doors.

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I'm only rude to mindless morons. :)


It's not just rudeness, which seems to be standard on many Internet debating forums, but a disturbing unpleasantness - possibly based upon your own deep seated feelings of inferiority and inadequacy?


You are very quick to label people with opposing arguments as "mindless morons". This has to stop. My posts indicate that I am clearly not a "mindless moron".


I'm very surprised that your aggressive, infantile behaviour is tolerated.

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Now let's move on to home invasion. That daft Americanism, used by Americans and mindless cretins, is a clear lie.


More insults. Disappointing.


'Home invasion' is a perfectly correct term to use regarding the unsolicited and unannounced visits by TV Licensing Enforcers who will attempt to gain entry to a property by employing threats, intimidation and deliberate lies.


The TV licencing people have no right of entry at all. The only way you'll get a your gaff entered is by a court if you refuse to pay fines.




The TV Licence fee Enforcers mainly rely upon 'implied right of access' to gain entry to a property, and the public's ignorance. This is not a legal right, but the aim is to interview the householder, usually under caution.


The majority of home inspections carried out by TV Licensing Enforcers do not involve the courts, or even search warrants. There are thousands of inspections every single week - mostly because people want to cooperate through fear of what might happen if they don't.


TV Licensing Enforcers are known to issue threats about returning with a search warrant and the police if they are prevented from entering a property. These people are salesmen who are desperate for their commission - either through making a TV Licence fee sale or detecting an 'evader'.


In a minority of cases, where there is evidence of a crime being committed, then a search warrant has been issued. I shall post the details contained in a TV Licence fee search warrant later.



I'll look at another scenario based on a cretin's posts.


He refused to pay for the licence because he claims only to watch ITV or some other pathetic excuse.

He got found out and was stupid enough to allow the licence people entry when he didn't have to.

He ended up in court for breaking the law and got fined.

He, being a cretin, refused to pay and got hammered for his stupidity.


He then wanders around forums trying to tell users the licencing people can break into your house to check if you have a TV.


Many doors have a knob to open them with. Your cranium seems to share a trait with such doors.


More insults. I suppose it's your main purpose on here.


I hope it makes you feel better about your life.


And completely wrong in your conclusions, as usual.

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