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Why do you bother with TV?

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More insults. Disappointing.


'Home invasion' is a perfectly correct term to use regarding the unsolicited and unannounced visits by TV Licensing Enforcers who will attempt to gain entry to a property by employing threats, intimidation and deliberate lies.

You are lying though when you suggest that they will break in or force entry (which would be a home invasion) or that they will turn up with a police officer and a warrant.





The TV Licence fee Enforcers mainly rely upon 'implied right of access' to gain entry to a property, and the public's ignorance. This is not a legal right, but the aim is to interview the householder, usually under caution.


The majority of home inspections carried out by TV Licensing Enforcers do not involve the courts, or even search warrants. There are thousands of inspections every single week - mostly because people want to cooperate through fear of what might happen if they don't.


TV Licensing Enforcers are known to issue threats about returning with a search warrant and the police if they are prevented from entering a property. These people are salesmen who are desperate for their commission - either through making a TV Licence fee sale or detecting an 'evader'.

A threat of something doesn't mean it will happen does it.


In a minority of cases, where there is evidence of a crime being committed, then a search warrant has been issued. I shall post the details contained in a TV Licence fee search warrant later.

A minority of cases, so mostly it doesn't happen.




And completely wrong in your conclusions, as usual.

Not really, despite his lack of diplomacy, he's right that you have a problem with the BBC, and it should be noted that this thread is NOT about the BBC at all.

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More insults. I suppose it's your main purpose on here.



Not my main purpose and, as I said before, I only ever insult total cretins, spammers and paranoid idiots who lie about what the TV licence people can do.

You admitted in your last post they can't enter but still maintain they will use force to enter.

I didn't have either a TV capable of receiving any broadcast signal or a licence for several years before I left the UK. I had several of the letters you are daft enough to use as your sig. I answered the first and binned the rest.

I had one visit from a rather stroppy licence chap who was very rude (not as accomplished as me at it) so I gave him a peek at my bow fingers and told him to enjoy some sex and travel.

Frankly anyone that moans on about them on forums has to be some sort of sad loser with a mental illness or simply a pathetic cretin that needs to get a life.

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TV is total crap all over the world.

Why do you have one?


No it isn't.


There are some excellent programmes which may be of entertainment value, educational value, or just informative.


Much televisual content is dire. The knack is to only concern yourself with the good stuff.

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You are lying though when you suggest that they will break in or force entry (which would be a home invasion) or that they will turn up with a police officer and a warrant.


When BBC TV Licensing apply for a search warrant the courts grant them the necessary powers to gain entry to a property. In the majority of cases that this happens, the police are requested to be present in order to prevent a breach of the peace.


Below is a copy of a search warrant issued under Section 365 of the Communication Act 2003 to gain entry to a property and to search it for a television receiver:




"Authority is hereby given for any employees of Capita Business Services Ltd undertaking Television Licence enquiry or enforcement work authorised in this behalf by the British Broadcasting Corporation with or without constables to enter at the said premises on one occasion only within one month from the date of this warrant and in search of the said premises and to examine and test any television receiver found on the said premises."


Every person I know who has had a home invasion (it is simply the most accurate way of describing it) by search warrant for a television receiver has had the police present. The police don't need to be present, as the warrant indicates, but TV Licensing prefers for them to be there.


But I guess I must be "lying" simply because you say so.

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A threat of something doesn't mean it will happen does it.




Is it okay to make threats as long as they are not carried out?


Is it acceptable for the BBC to enforce payment of it's TV Licence fee through such methods? Is the use of fear an acceptable marketing strategy? But only as long as the threats remain threats, and not a reality?


You must believe that demanding money with menaces is fine (as long as the menaces aren't carried out). I don't.

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Frankly anyone that moans on about them on forums has to be some sort of sad loser with a mental illness or simply a pathetic cretin that needs to get a life.


You obviously believe that the national broadcaster using very dubious and unethical methods to enforce payment of it's own funding mechanism, the TV Licence fee, shouldn't be discussed in public. This is your prerogative.


But your deeply unpleasant insults suggest something much more underlying than this. You appear to be a damaged individual who self medicates by attempting to inflict pain on others.


You try to make others feel bad in order to make yourself feel better about your life.


Not going to work with me, I'm afraid. Do your worst.

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I believe pathetic little worms should sod off.

Jesus H Christ on a couple of sticks. You're obviously a nutter. Get help from a professional.

Perhaps it's just you aren't getting bonked - Again - get help from a professional.

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