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Why do you bother with TV?

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No, because morals have nothing to do with it- you'd have to buy a licence only if the law so stipulates.


I think the same. It was more in response to Cyclone who said that you could say we are morally obliged to purchase a licesnse.

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I agree with you on all of that. People can argue about whatever they want to argue about, as everyone has their own point of view, just like I have given mine and you have given yours. I'm pretty sure that no matter what people's views, that the extreme examples of burglary and my daft example of cutting yourself fall under scenarios that would be very hard to argue in favour of doing.


I'm sure burglars justify it to themselves somehow.

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Would you be morally obliged to buy a TV license if it went up to £30,000 per year per person?
As you are bringing morality into the equation, consider this: BBC content (the making of-) is part-funded by the TV license, and part-funded by sales of content to foreign TV markets.


A lot if not all of that content is made freely available on iPlayer to everyone: peeps who pay their TV license (and fund the BBC/iPlayer content) and peeps who choose not to (who freeload everytime they watch something on iPlayer).


Where is the morality in that?

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As you are bringing morality into the equation, consider this: BBC content (the making of-) is part-funded by the TV license, and part-funded by sales of content to foreign TV markets.


A lot if not all of that content is made freely available on iPlayer to everyone: peeps who pay their TV license (and fund the BBC/iPlayer content) and peeps who choose not to (who freeload everytime they watch something on iPlayer).


Where is the morality in that?


I don't know. It wasn't me that brought morality into this.

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Equally I don't think it's okay to watch TV without buying a license. You're morally obliged to buy one.


I don't agree.


I believe that those of us who support freedom and democracy have a moral obligation NOT to pay our BBC TV Licence fee.


We have to make a stand against the unpleasant threatening letters they constantly send out to non-customers.


We have to make a stand against the frightening 'demanding money with menaces' strategy of BBC TV Licensing, who make uninvited and unannounced visits to the homes of vulnerable people in order to scrounge a few quid.


We have to send a message to the BBC executives and 'talent' that we will no longer accept their super rich lifestyles being rubbed in our faces, during a time of economic austerity.


We must say: CAN'T PAY, WON'T PAY!

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