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Why do you bother with TV?

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I don't agree.

That's my point.

And I'm sure that someone burgling you doesn't agree about the morality of theft and the laws around it.


I believe that those of us who support freedom and democracy have a moral obligation NOT to pay our BBC TV Licence fee.

Well, :huh:


We have to make a stand against the unpleasant threatening letters they constantly send out to non-customers.


We have to make a stand against the frightening 'demanding money with menaces' strategy of BBC TV Licensing, who make uninvited and unannounced visits to the homes of vulnerable people in order to scrounge a few quid.


We have to send a message to the BBC executives and 'talent' that we will no longer accept their super rich lifestyles being rubbed in our faces, during a time of economic austerity.


We must say: CAN'T PAY, WON'T PAY!

It's not the BBC executive who made it a legal requirement to pay, why don't you complain to your MP?

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It means nothing of the sort. The BBC has not pressed for a TV license when watching iPlayer to get it up and running, it is emerging technology that the BBC pioneered. There have always been plans to introduce the requirement for a TV license in the future.


BBC iPlayer content is not limited in any way for non-TV licence Fee properties in the UK.


This sends out a clear message.


Paying the BBC TV Licence fee is a matter of personal choice.

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Why do I get such a sense of déjà vu when reading this thread since INTERVIEWER started spouting about the TV license yet again?


Can't the poster be banned from TV-related threads?


BBC iPlayer content is not limited in any way for non-TV licence Fee properties in the UK.
Yet. Hopefully that will soon change (and could be quite easily put in place). Down with the freetards! :thumbsup:


EDIT - while we're on the subject (yet again, and unfortunately), I'm quite sure I already explained at length that most if not all EU jurisdictions also have a TV license-like tax.


Unlike the UK, the State channels of those I am well acquainted with (France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg) also have adverts (as many and as frequently as ITV, C5 and 5 here), on top of their license-derived revenue. Save for a few notable exceptions, there's quite a gulf between the quality of programs made by the BBC and those made by these channels and, in that context, the UK TV license, what with the ad-free BBC channels and radio stations, is pretty damn good value for money by comparison.

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Have you ever tried to access iPlayer content from overseas?


Stop embarrassing yourself :roll:


Not me personally, no.


But I have friends in the States who have had no problem circumventing the international block on iPlayer. I'm told that any reasonably competent computer user can easily achieve this. Something to do with using a proxy UK IP address...

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BBC iPlayer content is not limited in any way for non-TV licence Fee properties in the UK.


This sends out a clear message.


Indeed, that you do not need a license at the current time, nothing more. A license will be required in the future.


Paying the BBC TV Licence fee is a matter of personal choice.


Nope, complete nonsense.

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Not me personally, no.


But I have friends in the States who have had no problem circumventing the international block on iPlayer. I'm told that any reasonably competent computer user can easily achieve this. Something to do with using a proxy UK IP address...


So the intent of the BBC is clearly to restrict it's use to people in the UK.

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The Corporation thinks that everyone should have access to BBC content through the iPlayer.

But I have friends in the States who have had no problem circumventing the international block on iPlayer. I'm told that any reasonably competent computer user can easily achieve this. Something to do with using a proxy UK IP address...
So, it's certainly not "everyone " then, is it?


And, manifestly, you and your remote friends are quite content consuming entertainment at my expense.


You will hopefully understand the rightful disdain I have for you and your hypocrisy.

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