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Why do you bother with TV?

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Nope. If I answer a question wrong on a test, it doesn't make me morally wrong does it, it just makes me wrong. No need for these extra words.


It doesn't matter how you twist


it's wrong to steal someone's personal property


Is a statement of morality.

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True. Better to re-read s.1 of the Theft Act 1968:


1. Basic definition of theft.


(1) A person is guilty of theft if he dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it; and “thief” and “steal” shall be construed accordingly.


(2) It is immaterial whether the appropriation is made with a view to gain, or is made for the thief’s own benefit.


(3) The five following sections of this Act shall have effect as regards the interpretation and operation of this section (and, except as otherwise provided by this Act, shall apply only for purposes of this section).

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So what, I couldn't care less for the NHS, but I'm still paying for it. It's called society and public service.


Please don't ever compare an essential public service - the National Health Service - to a broadcaster of low grade 'entertainment', the BBC.


Such a comparison is offensive.

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So what, I couldn't care less for the NHS, but I'm still paying for it. It's called society and public service.


How typical that a pro-BBC poster has nothing but disdain for the NHS - but loves the BBC and it's method of funding.


I've read that the top BBC executives also have no respect for the NHS, and prefer to go private. The NHS is only for the little people who pay their enormous salaries...

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It doesn't matter how you twist




Is a statement of morality.


No twisting needed, it is quite simple. you said "Right and wrong are questions of morality", which is incorrect. You can be wrong or right without it having an effect on morality.


Just because you are wrong about what you said, does not mean there is anything wrong with your morals. Your wrong morals are not linked to you being wrong about the above.

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Please don't ever compare an essential public service - the National Health Service.


Why not, they both have public service as their foundation. They are comparable.


to a broadcaster of low grade 'entertainment', the BBC.


Aye, it's so "low grade" you spend all day telling people how you watch it for free!


Such a comparison is offensive.



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How typical that a pro-BBC poster has nothing but disdain for the NHS - but loves the BBC and it's method of funding.


Actually it was a comparison of how ludicrous the post I was replying to sounded. I have nothing but respect for the NHS and those that work in it.


That you have to misrepresesnt everything to make your "non" point is laughable.


I've read that the top BBC executives also have no respect for the NHS, and prefer to go private. The NHS is only for the little people who pay their enormous salaries...


Yet they still contribute, they decide they can afford to go private and leave their contributions for those that can't contribute to the same extent.


Your notions of reality are so far removed from reality it's scarey.

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The BBC should be encrypted for those who want it. Hands up those BBC supporters who want a viewing card today!


Such people won't mind paying for their cherished BBC through another method. Those who don't want anything the BBC offers will no longer be forced to fund it under pain of a court appearance, criminal record and large fine.

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Upinwath originally asked why we bother with t.v. ? Well, the obvious answer is because there ARE some good programmes, now and then, on various channels. Also, some people

[ well, I know I do anyway ] watch some programmes in the same way we might watch the results of a road accident or an earthquake-----they are so bad or inept that they are interesting on that level. We don 't always watch stuff to simply admire it but to be critical of it.


However, there are some programmes [ probably 80 % ? ] that are beyond the pale. They are very unfunny, filled with stupid, ugly people, canned laughter, dreadful mechanical acting, over-rehearsed, under-talented participants and ought to be burned publicly in Trafalgar Square.


[ As a minor observation---I 've just returned from abroad after 6 years and I used to read in the odd newspaper article or see on the odd t.v. news report that people in the U.K. were becoming more obese, by the year. How very true ! On and off t.v. I 've never seen such a display of fat, quivering balloons, wobbling about in front of the cameras or shuffling around in the background. How they treat their bodies is their concern----but I 'm surprised the Health Fascists and Control Freaks haven 't clamped down on them as they have done with us smokers. Only the ' baddies ' now smoke on t.v. or in films, whereas about 50 % of those we see are either Billy or Bessie Bunters ! ]

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Upinwath originally asked why we bother with t.v. ? Well, the obvious answer is because there ARE some good programmes, now and then, on various channels. Also, some people

[ well, I know I do anyway ] watch some programmes in the same way we might watch the results of a road accident or an earthquake-----they are so bad or inept that they are interesting on that level. We don 't always watch stuff to simply admire it but to be critical of it.


However, there are some programmes [ probably 80 % ? ] that are beyond the pale. They are very unfunny, filled with stupid, ugly people, canned laughter, dreadful mechanical acting, over-rehearsed, under-talented participants and ought to be burned publicly in Trafalgar Square.


[ As a minor observation---I 've just returned from abroad after 6 years and I used to read in the odd newspaper article or see on the odd t.v. news report that people in the U.K. were becoming more obese, by the year. How very true ! On and off t.v. I 've never seen such a display of fat, quivering balloons, wobbling about in front of the cameras or shuffling around in the background. How they treat their bodies is their concern----but I 'm surprised the Health Fascists and Control Freaks haven 't clamped down on them as they have done with us smokers. Only the ' baddies ' now smoke on t.v. or in films, whereas about 50 % of those we see are either Billy or Bessie Bunters ! ]


Maybe its time we looked upon the fat and obese with the same disdain as we do about smokers and drink drivers,after all its only when they are shamed into how they look and the lifestyle they choose that they might do something about it?

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