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Govt. to urge firms to employ UK jobless rather than foreign workers

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Interesting post Arguendo and it raises all sorts of welfare issues for the workers too. I though we did away with slavery :confused:


It’s government sanctioned slavery, many of the foreign nationals I’ve come across within the private care industry had rose tinted glasses when they first arrived, they don’t see they are doing anything wrong, and they are not; but it’s heartbreaking to watch as they realise its not all a bed of roses, they are worked incredibly hard, live in some appalling conditions, because they were conned, all foreign workers are not bad, they in my opinion are victims, who’s dreams of a better life has been abused, unlike others who come to this country they don’t claim benefits, they are not a financial drain on country, many I’ve come across are young early twenties, it’s shocking these agencies really need looking at.

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And maybe, just maybe, if the govt didnt let so many migrants into the country, there would be more jobs for the British unemployed.....


I agree we do need quotas implementing for skilled workers, maybe the same way as Australia manages their immigration on the points system, but it's not just the immigration policy at fault, it’s a minefield of complexities which need to be addressed, you have immigrants who come to this country for a variety of reasons, you have those who want to take advantage of our benefit & health system, you have those escaping persecution, & you have those who come here because they believe the streets are paved with gold. A lot of the aforementioned are not allowed to work due to their visa restrictions & will go onto work for unscrupulous illegal gang masters or employers who are looking for no strings attached cheap workforce, apart from those who are persecuted all others should be returned to their own countries & employers severely charged.


You then have those organisations that cleverly get around immigration policies by using other policies such as educational visas, many of those who take on an educational visa position do so, in their eyes legally, and it’s the agencies & employers who are at fault, not the workers. I also agree they are many UK unemployed who can't be bothered to work, but I also believe they is more who would work if given the opportunity, but it's not just the governments fault it's unscrupulous employers and agencies who lack morals. It’s the whole immigration & overseas educational policies which need to be totally overhauled, we shouldn’t just look at foreign workers from one perspective it’s far too complicated for that, not all foreign workers are what they appear to be.

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Sorry it's a bit long Taxman I have shortened it down somewhat, without trying to lose clarity, but here’s one answer form the care industry perspective;


Many foreign nationals in my opinion work for legalised ‘gang masters’ who are no better than the illegal operated ones. I did some work for a private Health Company sometime back & most of the workers I came across, were foreign nationals from, India, Philippines, & various parts of Africa, the vast majority of jobs taken by the foreign nationals were unskilled so to speak, any skills needed were acquired whilst on the job supervised by a professional individual, it was basically care work.


Private health companies prefer foreign workers to that of employing UK workers; because it’s an incredibly cheap workforce. How it works is like this, a foreign national would reply to recruitment agencies advert in their own country offering educational visa’s & educational programme in the UK for any person wishing to work in the care industry, this would cost the applicant thousands. They are lured to the UK with the promise that during their training they would be paid; let’s say £4 per hour (I don’t know the exact figure), but compared to their home country it appears to be a hell of a lot of money. Once here the accommodation is normally supplied by the agency, they undertake their schooling which maybe two days per month, the rest of the time they are working in various homes up & down the country.


Whilst here they continue to pay the agency for accommodation & additional educational packages, always under the threat that if they do not pay, and then their visa is withdrawn. The private health company does not employ them; they have a contract with the agency to place X amount of ‘Students’ for X amount of hours per week, they come to work/learning environment, basically work their socks off, complete their educational work books at the end of the month. The private health company pays the agency for each student, the money paid falls well below the min wage threshold, but as far as the government is concerned these workers are students not workers, one big con, cheap workforce & agency making millions.


Very interesting. I know the UK Border Agency and the Government in general is aware of the "educational VISA" scam. I believe the government is attempting to crackdown on fictitious colleges and universities enticing people over on bogus student VISAa but I'm not sure how much headway they are making.

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Iain Duncan Smith is set to urge British companies to choose to employ homegrown young unemployed rather than foreign nationals.


He is to warn that failure to do so would lead to British youngsters being lost to dependency and hopelessness.


Which begs the question - Why would a British company choose a foreigner over a British unemployed person? Given the National Minimum Wage it can't be that the foreign worker will work for 20p an hour so why aren't the young British unemployed being given a chance?


I wonder where most of the new jobs are being created though - London and the South East I would guess - in which case it's probably much more attractive to a foreign worker who may have already got family / a community down there rather than say a Geordie.

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Iain Duncan Smith is set to urge British companies to choose to employ homegrown young unemployed rather than foreign nationals.


He is to warn that failure to do so would lead to British youngsters being lost to dependency and hopelessness.


Which begs the question - Why would a British company choose a foreigner over a British unemployed person? Given the National Minimum Wage it can't be that the foreign worker will work for 20p an hour so why aren't the young British unemployed being given a chance?


Short answer - foreign workers make better employees


Long answer - the British education system is churning out sub standard ill equipped people who are simply not up to the task of working in a modern environment, in my experience. For a technical position you would expect someone with the resources and advantages that a country like the UK can muster would beat someone in terms of education and technical ability from say the lower income end of the EU, like Poland, or Bulgaria.


Sadly though - they don't. Or perhaps the ones that do have already jetted off to the US or Australia.


What's worse though is the UK's populace expectation that "I've got a degree now give me a proper job. One that pays a lot where I do bugger all". Sadly for them of course they don't exist, yet they don't appear to realise it and this false sense of entitlement is a real serious problem. Take someone from a country where they have had to work hard to get where they are and they carry that ethic through into the workplace as well. They also have pride in a job well done and that shows in the quality of work which is of course another valuable trait to have.


Now I don't know if this carries over into other sections of the workforce or not, but I'd be surprised if it didn't. Those that work hard, improve themselves and are willing to have some pride in their work do well, get rewarded well, and stay on as employees. The fact that they might not be British and have funny accents is immaterial.

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