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Govt. to urge firms to employ UK jobless rather than foreign workers

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Pensions and other later life costs that companies have pay are removed by employing temporary workers from overseas. Welfare rights and union demands in fairness don't have to be met. So that at contracts end a line is drawn under the costs and no continued payments are required....simply they are cheaper in a market lead bottom line profit obsessed society..they are no better, no worse worker just cheaper when all factors are considered




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" many immigrants end up doing jobs that could easily be done by British citizens" - so whay arn't they ?

He seems to be saying because immigrants are being preferred for whatever reasons.PC maybe,fear of being labelled a racist employer by not employing immigrants,the people who shout "racism" at the first opportunity may have a lot to answer for.

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He seems to be saying because immigrants are being preferred for whatever reasons.PC maybe,fear of being labelled a racist employer by not employing immigrants,the people who shout "racism" at the first opportunity may have a lot to answer for.


Any bussiness that employes someone for those reasons is stupid, you take the person with the best qualifications for the cheapest price.

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Short answer - foreign workers make better employees


Long answer - the British education system is churning out sub standard ill equipped people who are simply not up to the task of working in a modern environment, in my experience. For a technical position you would expect someone with the resources and advantages that a country like the UK can muster would beat someone in terms of education and technical ability from say the lower income end of the EU, like Poland, or Bulgaria.


Sadly though - they don't. Or perhaps the ones that do have already jetted off to the US or Australia.


What's worse though is the UK's populace expectation that "I've got a degree now give me a proper job. One that pays a lot where I do bugger all". Sadly for them of course they don't exist, yet they don't appear to realise it and this false sense of entitlement is a real serious problem. Take someone from a country where they have had to work hard to get where they are and they carry that ethic through into the workplace as well. They also have pride in a job well done and that shows in the quality of work which is of course another valuable trait to have.


Now I don't know if this carries over into other sections of the workforce or not, but I'd be surprised if it didn't. Those that work hard, improve themselves and are willing to have some pride in their work do well, get rewarded well, and stay on as employees. The fact that they might not be British and have funny accents is immaterial.



The difference between foreign Nationals who come here to work, both skilled & unskilled is they have a lot to gain but a lot more to lose, they appreciate the good life you can have if you work hard & give good quality results, they understand what having nothing & day to day struggles are. Many of our present generation of young workers in this country have never experienced true poverty or the struggles other have to suffer, & in some respects that’s good, but I also believe because of our civilised system many people not just the younger generation believe everything should be handed to them on a plate, they are also aware that if it’s not handed to them on a plate, then at least they have a benefit system to fall back on a luxury many foreigners don’t have.


A foreign worker knows that if his work is substandard or if he’s seen to be let’s say lazy he has the possibility of losing his visa & being returned back home. As I’ve said before the issues of immigration workers in this country so called taking British jobs has a multitude of complexities at fault, the current benefit system does not help, the education & at times the family system fails to encourage enthusiasm to the fact that a good education & hard work reaps results both in wealth & pride.


I have two children at university both work incredibly hard in their studies & in their part time work; I have no fears whatsoever that they will always be in employment & be part of a productive society, apart from the eyes of me & my wife they are not something special or out of the ordinary, & we believe if they & others can do it, then many others can, it’s just about motivation & respect that life is not a free lunch, something many foreign nationals appreciate.

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Most immigrants are european, something that we can't at the moment cap or control, but also removing any question of racism since they are mostly white.

They are employed for a number of reasons at a guess, some of which are that they'll work for less, that there are less associated ongoing costs (as already pointed out), and maybe also that they'll work at all... If locals don't apply for the jobs then companies have little choice about who they employ.

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Any bussiness that employes someone for those reasons is stupid, you take the person with the best qualifications for the cheapest price.

And what happens if the job entails no qualification and is in the minimum wage band ?

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You will find most stuff like factory work etc is advertised within the premises so if thers are already on site they always get the relatives etc application forms where as most places there is few bristish so thre for they dont offten hear about the jobs .


swings and rounderbouts realy but those figures are shocking thing should be the british complaining about equeal rights these days .

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