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Govt. to urge firms to employ UK jobless rather than foreign workers

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87% of new jobs last year went to immigrants so only the last 13% of jobs to go and then not one Briton will have got a job in a whole year :hihi:





Mmm...Something about that figure just doesn't ring true at all, does it? I mean, I know loads of people who are from the UK who got new jobs last year and quite a few this year... If I am the norm in knowing so many who moved into new jobs in the last 12/18 mths, then the remaining 13% must run into hundreds of thousands...

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I think young British workers are given a chance, but a bigger supply of workers just means more competition for jobs, and reduces the probability of gaining employment for young British people.


What needs to be done - we need to get a grip on immigration. Labour really lost control but I can't see this government having done much about it so far, but the only real way that will happen is to exit the EU. If systems were good enough, the government should be able to turn immigration on and off like a tap to suit demand, and be selective about the workers we allow in.


Secondly is welfare reform - there should be no job that migrant workers do that we should not expect our own workers to do. For unskilled unemployed workers, if it's a choice between picking cabbages out of a field near Boston or welfare, they should be made to pick cabbages.


"Many of the families, who had been employed in seasonal work such as fruit picking, had their benefits - including working tax credits and child tax credits to supplement their low incomes - stopped suddenly when their contracts ran out.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2008837/Food-parcels-sent-primary-school-migrant-farm-worker-parents-children-hungry-protest-benefits.html#ixzz1QqtzXcmm

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This IDS scenario is all about inflaming public opinion to push through changes in the government's objectives isn't it? The migrant is the easy target.


I totally agree the migrant is an easy target, there's no doubt the country has issues regarding certain aspects of immigration which need urgent attention, but politicians & the media voice & publish stories which refer to one specific problem, and then all immigrants are labelled as being part of that problem. It's certain peoples ignorance to the variety of different situations of immigration which annoys me, as far as some people are concerned all immigration is bad, all immigrants are the same, all of them are taking jobs away from the British worker, all are drain on society & all should be treated exactly the same, usually putting in chains & placing them on ships.


There’s also the fact that certain migration we have no control over, we gave up that right when we entered Europe, I think a bit more education on the types of immigration is needed if people are going to really understand it. I too have issues regarding immigrants, but I can recognise the differences between a, health tourists, asylum seeker, financial, an illegal & legally entitled to work migrant.

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Why would a British company choose a foreigner over a British unemployed person?


According to some business leaders on the radio this morning, foreigners are generally better educated, they don't have a sense of false entitlement, they're motivated and hard workers. Compared to young people from the UK, a sizeable proportion of which can't read or write properly, have no understanding of maths, and aren't good communicators.

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" many immigrants end up doing jobs that could easily be done by British citizens" - so whay arn't they ?


There goes a clue. it's because the UK is breeding a bunch of semi illiterate idiots with no will or wish to work. Look at the number of people who are "better off on the dole".

They neglect to consider they're just a bunch of lazy cretins with no self respect.


The Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce, David Frost, said business leaders knew there was a problem with youth unemployment but they could not afford to ignore cheaper skilled foreign workers.


Mr Frost said employers needed the "best people" and identified what he said were the problems with too many of Britain's youth, in an interview with BBC Radio 4's Today programme.


He said businesses expected "young people to come forward to them who are able to read, write, communicate and have a strong work ethic and too often that's not the case".


He added: "There's a stream of highly able eastern European migrants who are able to take those jobs and that's why they're taking them on.


"They are skilled, they speak good English and, more importantly, they want to work."

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There goes a clue. it's because the UK is breeding a bunch of semi illiterate idiots with no will or wish to work. Look at the number of people who are "better off on the dole".

They neglect to consider they're just a bunch of lazy cretins with no self respect.


It's a bit harsh to suggest that someone is semi-illiterate because they make a typo...

It would be more normal to say semi-literate or just illiterate though...;)

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According to some business leaders on the radio this morning, foreigners are generally better educated, they don't have a sense of false entitlement, they're motivated and hard workers. Compared to young people from the UK, a sizeable proportion of which can't read or write properly, have no understanding of maths, and aren't good communicators.


In forum threads regarding dole scrounging idiots, I've mentioned many times there are jobs out there for those willing to get their fat, lazy arses out of bed and do something about getting work.


The leaders of British industry seem to share my opinion but are slightly more subtle in their language.

The answer to the problem is simple stop dishing out dole to able workers after a set period of time. No dole means they'll have to work for their beer money.

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It's a bit harsh to suggest that someone is semi-illiterate because they make a typo...

It would be more normal to say semi-literate or just illiterate though...;)


You may think that; I couldn't possibly comment.

I pointed out the typo but the post was in my head ready for typing before I read his attempt at intelligence.

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