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Govt. to urge firms to employ UK jobless rather than foreign workers

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Are 87 per cent of those UK employers offering paid jobs prepared to discriminate against British born job seekers and exclusively employ only those born overseas?




And are only 13 per cent of UK employers prepared to give the British unemployed an employment opportunity? Yes, it does seem so.


You seem to be spouting crap.

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Germany and South Africa legalised racial discrimination. The UK tolerates it, as the government thinks that it is good for business.


the uk does not tolerate it at all


The UK has now reached a stage where the majority of its unemployed are refused work because of their British nationality.


no they aren't


my employer employs the best person from whoever applies for a job and has representatives from pretty much every race (except perhaps Inuit) in the world.

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Problem is that the media has created the myth that you must get a degree or you are worthless. I run my own business and to constantly hear them banging on about it depresses me let alone a 16 year old with a handful of GCSEs. The hospitality industry is now almost exclusively foreign maybe for the sales dept. Even receptionists who can barely speak English is not uncommon. And this isn't back street flop houses this 4 star hotel chains, which makes me think who they turned down ? It might be work ethic (I've not seen many swing the lead) if might be merely the reputation of a good work ethic but I remember watching a young polish kid clean up whilst his "colleagues" messed about and watched. I know they aren't all saints but it was an interesting illustration.


I know it's only anecdotal but it can't be isolated or we wouldn't be having this thread.


It’s not just the media my two had it drilled into them at school.

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The UK has now reached a stage where the majority of its unemployed are refused work because of their British nationality.


As has been repeatedly stated (and repeatedly ignored by you), candidates are selected based on their skillset, not their nation of origin or race.

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Germany and South Africa legalised racial discrimination. The UK tolerates it, as the government thinks that it is good for business.


The UK has now reached a stage where the majority of its unemployed are refused work because of their British nationality.


Well, if you are an example of British unemployed it's no wonder firms won't hire you. No gumption, an inferiority complex and a bit dim.

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The point is most indigenous folk and Somalians have no work ethic and I can't see any native ever working in my industry ever again despite this or any governments best efforts. If you need a job doing get an immigrant to do it.

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Very interesting. I know the UK Border Agency and the Government in general is aware of the "educational VISA" scam. I believe the government is attempting to crackdown on fictitious colleges and universities enticing people over on bogus student VISAa but I'm not sure how much headway they are making.


I've seen the effects of this first hand. The majority on education visas were using the legal working hours but were really involved in full time work, usually in the food industry.

The collages would charge a small fee to mark the students as attending.


The crackdown didn't give any more British people a job because the type of jobs these people did, the Brits didn't want and couldn't do anyway. It was all a bit pointless except for the PR bit about how the government was cracking down on filthy immigrants.


At the same time, the government was signing up to European crap that allowed who knows how many people into the UK to work legally and dishing out benefits to lazy sods that were perfectly capable of doing a day's honest work.


All a lot pathetic really.

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The UK has now reached a stage where the majority of its unemployed are refused work because of their British nationality.


What a load of old tosh.

The British are being refused work (on the odd occasion they bother trying to get off the dole) because they're lazy, unqualified, illiterate and have a crap attitude to work. They're more interested in joining a union and working out job descriptions than getting their hands dirty to earn a living.


That and your pathetic sig narks me. If the licence people come to the door, give them the finger and tell them to sod off instead of moaning like a prostitute who's customer has just buggered off without paying.



I racist and a pathetic cretin all in one package. Must be a BNP member.

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