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Table Tennis @ Norton (Graves) Sports Centre?

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I'm looking to play table tennis again after many years of not picking up a bat.


I used to be pretty tasty, and would love to get into it again. I'm in my forties and am still pretty fit.


I live close to Norton sports centre so that would be the ideal location for me.


Let me know if you're interested.





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Hi E-Man


Activity Sheffield have been looking at setting up a Table Tennis session at Graves Tennis & Leisure Centre but as yet demand seems to have been quite low. Do you know many other people, or are there others on this forum who this would appeal to?


We do currently run a Table Tennis session at Zest (in Upperthorpe) at 1.00pm on a Thursday, I don't know if this would be any good to you?




Activity Sheffield

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Thanks for the info. The Thursday sessions at Zest might be useful if there's nothing doing at Graves.


At the moment it's just me. I don't know anyone else who plays table tennis (well, not to any reasonable standard anyway). I started this thread to find any others who might be interested in playing.


I've had no replies sadly :-(


I'll try to get more info about zest.





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