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Sheffield Pals JULY 1ST 1916

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I know it's a different date and I hope no one objects but I would like to add the battle of Loos in 1915 into the commemoration. In the first 3 days, 20,000 of our soldiers were killed with not one yard of ground gained.

Robert Graves, the poet, described the battle in his war memoir "Goodbye to All That" he described the incompetence of the officer as "a bloody balls up"

My Uncle Isaac Nuttall, who was in the Alexandra, Princess of Wales's Own (Yorkshire Regiment) died in this battle on the 26th September 1915 he was just 20, such grotesque waste of these young men's lives. Rest In Peace Uncle Ike


Here is a link to your Uncle`s details on the loos Memorial




also a pic of the memorial



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I know it's a different date and I hope no one objects but I would like to add the battle of Loos in 1915 into the commemoration. In the first 3 days, 20,000 of our soldiers were killed with not one yard of ground gained.

Robert Graves, the poet, described the battle in his war memoir "Goodbye to All That" he described the incompetence of the officer as "a bloody balls up"

My Uncle Isaac Nuttall, who was in the Alexandra, Princess of Wales's Own (Yorkshire Regiment) died in this battle on the 26th September 1915 he was just 20, such grotesque waste of these young men's lives. Rest In Peace Uncle Ike

When war is over there comes a sadness to those who served and memories they will never lose..I was fortunate enough to never have to serve in a British War..I was too young...But I remember being in Anzio many yesrs later and visiting the British World War 11 soldiers burial site...Hundreds of graves..We met four World War 11 veterans laying cigarettes and saying a few words over the graves of their lost mates...They had met up in later life and made the journey especially to remember the war and all the friends they lost,,,What wonderful guys they all were...Long gone now I am afraid..

May They Rest in Peace.. We owe them so much...

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On continuing my search ,by doing my family tree,Iv now find 3 of my ancesters died in WW1. I was sobbing so much ! RIP my brave soldiers !

When I went to Kendall in April with my Mum Dad and my brother ,we were in the centre and went to the war memorial . I blew a kiss to the soldier on top and while we were walking away,I got an arm round my shoulder ! It wasnt my family cos they were in front of me !

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We are all appalled buy the tragic organized slaughter of young men and women we call war, especially when it touches us personally.

But here's another fact that may surprise you.

44,000 American troops died in Vietnam, during the same period there was 96,000 murders in the USA....

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