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I want to do a glass making course


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Sheffield college do stained-glass at Walkley and Stocksbridge. The courses started in September so I'm not sure if you would be able to start now anyway but it's worth contacting them.


I've also heard about courses in various aspects of glass technology at Chesterfield college and Wath on Dearne college.


HTH. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Stained glass course are at Sheff college, getting onto them is a epic nightmare.

There are week courses every now and then and a saturday class sometimes at Chesterfield college.

Fusing and slumping glass courses ar more tricky to find unless an artist runs them. Been trying to convince a place in leeds to run a slumping course (they are still discussing this).

For reference, you can use a pottery kiln for slumping tho not at the same time and use different shelves.

If you want to pootle round the country there are various courses, try http://www.warmglass.com/basic.htm, http://www.creativeglassguild.co.uk/fusecourses.htm etc. Checked out creative glass guild, looks better than some.


Kinda decide which area of glas you want to explore.

Any questions pm me :)

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  • 1 year later...

Hiya mealz,

my name's fran and i'm a glassblower working up in sunderland at the National Glass Centre but originally i'm from sheffield. Stained glass is a pretty easy thing to get into although i do agree the courses fill up very quickly but if u don't mind the odd cut then go for it - they are interesting courses. However if you want something more challenging and fun i would really reccomend glass blowing. Unfortunatly its a very costly hobby and u need to be commited as courses are hundreds of pounds normally not the usual £50 college course! Remember aswell that glass blowing comes with big safety issues whilst ever you are not fully trained - take it from my experience burns at 1112 degrees centigrade are pretty painful and do require burns specialists and plastic surgerns!

The most important thing when glass blowing is to concentrate and to trust your assisstant and yourself.

If you do decide that glass blowing could be for you then the closest place to sheffield that hires out studio time and has classes is probably St Helens World of Glass in St Helens near Manchester. Its run by a friendly guy called Dominic Fonde.

Anyways hope some of that info helped - not trying to scare you off glass blowing or anything but it is a dangerous 'hobby' and also unfortunatly a dying trade in this country meaning that most of the places that run these courses and the factories are closing or have already closed down.

please reply if you would like any more info

fran x

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