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Living kidney donor

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Hi i have just (5th of may) donated my kidney to my sister in law. This was an out of the blue situation that arose and up until this time i had never considered anything like it. It has been to date a 100% success. I was on my feet in hospital the following day to the op. My sister in law is in great shape which was literally instant. She is full of energy and seeing what a difference it has made has made me very proud and i would encourage anybody and everybody to help another, even if its a blood donation. I unfortunatly left hospital without knowing with an infection that made me ill about 10 days later and had to go back in , but within a few days the docs had it sorted. I am now ready to return to work, so that is why my van has been parked up for the last 2 months.

Any body going through or considering being a donor and want to ask me anything at all feel free...Dave

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Hello Dave,

My first posting here. I donated to my brother a year ago at the NGH. I was all over the place with my mind and being really scared then I found a website where the owner had donated and wrote it up really well that I felt like I had been through it (excpet for the pain of course). Anywone wanting to know what it is like to donate read this one LivingKidneyDonation [dot co dot uk] sorry not made enough posts to put a link and the lady that runs it supported me throughout and we still stay in contact. She is amazing.


Well done Dave for what you have done. It is not until we see our loved one after the donation that we truly appreciate just how ill they were before. I have no regrets at all in doing this.:)

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Hi victoria, good on you for being so brave and selfless. I had no worry problems up until the last few days before admission when suddenly i could not sleep. Strangley as soon as i was admitted i relaxed and stopped worrying. I was also in NGH and the staff were very nice and very supporting.

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  • 1 year later...


It`s such a brave and selfless act you guys did. Saving someone`s life gives the satisfaction like nothing else. I am 27 years old and currently doing a degree in London. I was diagnosed with renal failure last year and since then am on peritoneal dialysis that I have to do every day for 8 hours.


This means I wake up go to university and after coming back set up my machine and start dialysis. It`s been ages since I have been outside and don`t get enough time to sleep. can`t walk or breathe properly and now cannot taste anything as my taste buds are being affected.


I am hoping for a miracle that would save my life so that I can lead a normal life. You guys are role models for people. I read somewhere that I want to share with you all its, "Anyone can sell a kidney but very few find the courage to donate"



God bless you guys and if you think there`s someone who is willing to donate then please email me annaminhas@gmail.com


Don't you have anyone in your family who can donate? Only ask because that seems the most obvious place to start looking.

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Genuine question. Is there anything in place to 'compensate' a donor? I don't mean being paid for donating, but it's obviously going to mean time off work for the donor to get over the op, so is there any means of them being paid for time off?

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Yes it is illegal to pay the donor and honestly those who want money are not genuine. I am in no condition to work so you can imagine how I must be managing my own costs.



The answer to your question is Yes. Well first of all the donor has to be in the hospital only for 3 days time. After that he can recover at home. The time he takes off from work and expenses of the travel are reimbursed by the hospital if donor can prove that by giving travel receipts and presenting some work document. even if the donor has to fly that cost is also reimbursed by the hospital. so you can save a life and still lose nothing in terms of pay and all.


OK. thanks for that. What is the overall recovery time for a kidney donor? i.e not just time in hospital, but how long until they're back to 100%

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