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Another Made Up Sexual Assault

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It is relevant as is your aparent need for her to be treated with the upmost respect despite the fact she is know to made other various serious claims. Her name should be known and it might well be the case that more people come forward and reveal more information about her. What has destroyed this trial if there was ever going to be one, because this guy in my opinion is completely innocent until proven guilty, is her lies.


So the man is innocent until proven guilty and the woman is guilty based upon her background? Nice to see your open mind only extends as far as your trousers.

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So the man is innocent until proven guilty and the woman is guilty based upon her background? Nice to see your open mind only extends as far as your trousers.



She is the one doing the accusing and in case you hadn't noticed the guy has already been imprisoned, tagged and no doubt other restrictions placed on him.


I'm not sure what you think with.

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So it's open season on anybody who can be proven to have lied under oath? Wow! They might be the victim of crime but nobody will prosecute because they aren't credible witnesses? Isn't that for a jury to decide?


What can a jury possibly decide, when presented with a case which hangs solely on the word of a single witness, and that witness is known to lie under oath? It's impossible ever to be free of doubt, so they can only return a not guilty verdict.

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The fact is, it isn't actually illegal to have an affair and so where some on here are claiming the women is having her character tainted, they don't seem to mind that an attempt on this guy's character has also happened.


Making false rape claims is in the premier league when it comes to lying.


There is, I repeat, no evidence that she's made a false rape claim. If there were, she would have been charged with perjury, perversion of the course of justice, or both.



The point is, there's also no evidence that her claim is true. It depends solely on her word, and you cannot convict a person based solely on the word of another person who is known to have lied under oath.

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So are you saying that if you happen to be raped by someone who is wealthy and you may have a dubious past then it's tough and you just have to accept being raped?


You probably have to accept that, if there is no evidence apart from your word, there is no hope of securing a conviction. The law requires proof beyond reasonable doubt. It's the same law that gaurantees you won't be jailed for perjury. There's no proof you made it up either.




You can bring a private suit for damages, because in a civil suit, proof beyond reasonable doubt it not required. The jury is only required to decide which person is most likely to be telling the truth. OJ Simpson was found not guilty of murder because there was doubt - he lost a civil suit for enormous damages, because there wasn't very much doubt.

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It makes me so angry when something like this happens and by default makes the population as a whole less likely to believe a genuine woman or man who has been attacked.


Anybody proven to be lying in this way should be prosecuted with all the strength of the law, including losing their anonymity, in my opinion.


Spot on Medusa. Couldn't have put it better myself.

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All charges against Strauss-Kahn will be dropped this week and he will be free to leave the country.

This womna's credibility just continues to get worse and worse. A letter to her boyfriend in an Arizona jails said that she had set him up and not to worry as she knew what she was doing and "this guy has lots of money"


The DA just has no case whatsoever to continue the prosecution.


I think she will be arrested and charged with making false allegations once Strauss-Kahn has been acquitted.

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There is, I repeat, no evidence that she's made a false rape claim. If there were, she would have been charged with perjury, perversion of the course of justice, or both.



The point is, there's also no evidence that her claim is true. It depends solely on her word, and you cannot convict a person based solely on the word of another person who is known to have lied under oath.


It's been claimed she only cried rape when she didn't get paid for sexual services and also she has been recorded talking to her boyfriend who was in prison convicted of money laundering saying words to the effect she had this one in the bag.


If you also think that's how the justice system works when it comes to false rape claims than i'd asked you to do a bit of research on the subject first but I do take onboard your final point and agree with it.

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All charges against Strauss-Kahn will be dropped this week and he will be free to leave the country.

This womna's credibility just continues to get worse and worse. A letter to her boyfriend in an Arizona jails said that she had set him up and not to worry as she knew what she was doing and "this guy has lots of money"


The DA just has no case whatsoever to continue the prosecution.


I think she will be arrested and charged with making false allegations once Strauss-Kahn has been acquitted.



In this case that might well be the final outcome but what will the punishment be should she be convicted? An £80 on the spot fine like has happened in this country?

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