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Another Made Up Sexual Assault

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There have been two previous occasions in this country where reputations have been dragged through the mud and both were based on racism.

The first one occured in the mid 90s when six white men who had been out jogging in Central Park, New York were arrested and charged with assaulting and raping a young black woman. Their names and faces were shown on the news and the incident made news headlines. The incident was also responsible for a period of racial tension. Several weeks went by and then under close questioning the young black woman admitted that she had made up the whole story


The second incident happened some years later at a high school in California when members of the school football team were arrested and charged with gang raping a young woman. Same scenario, they were white, she was black.

These students were practically found guilty before even going to trial and the girl hired some hot shot lawyer who went around in front of the media yelling about how the accused were going to pay dearly for their treatment of the young woman.

Their names and faces were shown on every local news channel and the school prinicipal even went as far to have them expelled. Again, after an investigation and police questioning the young woman admitted that she had lied.

Unfortunately in these kind of cases although the charges are dropped the stigma attached to them does not. Reputations are destroyed, lives uprooted and there is little recourse to action as in both these cases the victims did not even have the satisfaction of filing a lawsuit for damages as the accusers had no money worth going after.

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The race card is an interesting one. One one hand we have a possible Muslim from some "black" country; on the other we have a Jew from some "Black" country and I an't talking about the West Midlands.

The racist and generally bigoted idiots that are claiming 'no rape' because it suits their political agenda must be hoping like hell it never comes out he's a "Jew boy" from Africa.

You really have to laugh at the mindless morons.


However - Back to claims of rape and their validity.

I believe a poster gave a brief but un-noticed mention to a new story that could seriously effect this one.




French writer Tristane Banon is to file a complaint for attempted rape against former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn, her lawyer says.

Ms Banon accuses Mr Strauss-Kahn of trying to assault her as she tried to interview him in a Paris flat in 2003.


Oh dear.


Rape is a one on one crime where credibility really matters in a court room. So far it's all been about smearing the complainant but now we have a rape case in another country against the same man.

It's not even a new claim. It was first brought up some years ago and, and this is pure speculation, I think we'll see more. There may well be a couple of nutters trying for cash but I foresee legitimate cases being brought against him.

The more I look at this and the more I read, the more I'm seeing a man who is happy to use money and power as a tool to get sex regardless of his partner's wishes.


I've been heading more towards him being guilty as the reporting of this case goes along. He's clearly spending a lot of money trying to smear her rather than defending himself. That style leads me to suspect he's a bit of a git.

Now we have a pure white, non Muslim making roughly the same accusation against him.


Something's rotten in the state of Denmark, well France but what Shakespearian quote could I misuse from France?


I suppose I could always go with "France is a dog-hole" from All's Well That Ends Well but it doesn't really work except for the possible suggestion that DSK was acting like a dog and seems to have the same moral values.


I'm up to 80/20 he's guilty.

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No District Attorney in his right mind will continue with prosecuting this case. If she was to be placed on the stand as a witness for the prosecution (and she IS the only witness) with her background, the previous lying and the recent letter to her boyfriend in an Arizona prison the defence would demolish her in five minutes flat.


He will be acquitted sometime this week and on his way home to France

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There have been two previous occasions in this country where reputations have been dragged through the mud and both were based on racism..



Oh dear only two? and their still alive to tell the story. Whereas on numerous occasions Whites have actually hunted down and killed Blacks, mostly based on sport, and walked free. You're not painting your new found home in the best of light here Harleyman.

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And what about all the men falsely accused? They can be damaged too. Or is it only rape victims that can be wronged...


There is every reasonable reason to believe that a large proportion of rape claims are false given the stats. Whether that actually is the case or not, who knows, but it's not unreasonable to think that.

The annoying thing is that men accused of rape are named, how can this be fair.
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I've been heading more towards him being guilty as the reporting of this case goes along. He's clearly spending a lot of money trying to smear her rather than defending himself.


How can he possibly defend himself except by smearing her? Either she's honest and he raped her, or she's lying and he didn't. To claim his own innocence is, perforce, to accuse her of perjury.

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That's no evidence at all. She could easily have been in shock, tried to revert to her work and put it out of her mind. returning to clean his room could have easily brought it back and prompted her to report it.
Could have, would have, possibly, carry a lot of weight in court I don't think, she carried on and cleaned another room no doubt doing mental arithmatic as to how much she'll make as she implied to her jailed crook boyfriend in a phone call.
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Originally Posted by upinwath

I've been heading more towards him being guilty as the reporting of this case goes along. He's clearly spending a lot of money trying to smear her rather than defending himself.

She lied about him not too him, she lied about him to the police and others along with the boasting phone call to her criminal boyfriend in jail.

He doesn't need to smear her she's done that herself, she's a tramp.

I fully agree with 'HeadingNorth'

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