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Another Made Up Sexual Assault

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although they were saying on the news that what he went through could help him win the election for French leader as many French voters may see him as a martyr and harshly treated by the American justice system.
Maybe in the Hollywood version :hihi: ...but, realistically, that won't happen.


He'll never get the female vote, to begin with.


Regardless of the ins and outs of this particular case, he is now known as a sex addict (by the French electorate at larg, beyond any reasonable doubt) and, for that reason alone, has already been 'condemned' by the French female electorate.


It would have been a different story, had he managed to keep the sex addiction off the radar (and the apparent extent of his addiction), as French are 'grown up' that way: what you get up to in the bedroom is noone else's business but yours, whether you are Joe Average or the President, and whether it's normal stuff, involves adultery, hookers, whatever. Short or abuse/rape, of course, that goes without saying. The reason why 'sex scandals' just about never happen with French politicians. But there's a difference betwen a high sex drive and an addiction and, in his case, what with being married to such a popular newscaster as Anne Sinclair, he just crucified himself.


After that, he'd also be missing out on a fair chunk fo the male vote, "punishing" him for being so stupid as falling for such an easy trap at the Sofitel (you don't want a President lead by his knob to such an extent, regardless of his economical/financial skills).


The right/centre right have also been busy running a textbook smear campaign in the background (tactfully avoiding the "US issue", but all the same painting him as the prime example of caviar-munching left) (that he is, IMHO/for the record).

I'm up to 80/20 he's guilty.
Of what? Having consensual sex with an (alleged) hooker?


Think about this one: DNA samples were taken at the scene and there's a fairly good chance the samples ID him positively.


Yet, whether a smear campaign orchestrated by the defense or not, there is evidence that she had a further motive/purpose about the whole affair (phone call to boyfriend-husband the day after the alleged attack).


It's evidence that is both independent (obtained by police monitoring the boyfriend's comms in the nick, to learn about his drugs money laudering - didn't know anything about the DSK affair at the time) and incontrovertible (call recorded and transcribed + translated by independent speaker of same ethic group).


Link, as requested (example, there are countless others).


I'm up to 80/20 it was a straightforward extortion attempt, that went particulaly bad on account of his notoriety (20% still says she was remote-controlled/played by political enemies, including even the current Presidency).

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It's not rape it's an allegation of an attempted rape which happened years ago but never reported, love the irony though, smear campaigns are obviously OK if conducted by wet leberals such as yourself.


You mean like those of the Catholic church? What happened yesteryear wasn't a consequence of what is happening now, what happened then was a consequence of his alleged actions. All the same, two accusations of Rape/attempted rape? puts him right up there with the past of the hotel maid. Only richer. As for the reason the first attempt wasn't taken further was because of the ill advice of her mother, likely because of the perceived power of SK and the French attitude towards sex.


Seems both have a history that any sane person would avoid.

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It would have been a different story, had he managed to keep the sex addiction off the radar (and the apparent extent of his addiction),


Link, as requested (example, there are countless others).


I'm up to 80/20 it was a straightforward extortion attempt, that went particulaly bad on account of his notoriety (20% still says she was remote-controlled/played by political enemies, including even the current Presidency).


I'm well known for being a wet liberal so I'm going to have to , very respectfully, argue with your stance.


He seems to have a rep as a womaniser but I'll have to do more research on that when I can sort out faster internet.

The fact sex took place seems to be agreed by both parties but the other allegation charges him with violent sec. Your link suggests he partook of that with the maid.


His client had suffered injuries in the alleged attack, including a torn shoulder ligament, bruises, and abrasions to her vagina, he said. DNA evidence shows that a sexual encounter did take place between the maid and the politician. He admits having sex with her but claims it was consensual.


Do you beat the merry hell out of your partners?

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You may notice the typo in the link. They use "frop" instead of "drop".

That makes a search easy.

With that in mind see how many news outlets make the same mistake and ask yourself if they even read the story or blindly reprint any crap that sounds vaguely newsworthy.




New York DA ready to frop DSK charges. Submitted by Chuck Wood on Sun, 07/03/2011 - 22:42


Chuck Wood is an interesting name. I assume he's a red hot reporter but seems very shy. In fact I can't find him mentioned at all in any of my searches except a twitter account.

My internet is still pretty slow so that could be the problem.

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I'm well known for being a wet liberal so I'm going to have to , very respectfully, argue with your stance.


I must admit that I did LOL at Streamline's post as well ;)


He seems to have a rep as a womaniser but I'll have to do more research on that when I can sort out faster internet.
Do that if you feel you must, but you could save yourself the aggro/bother and take it from me - the man IS a serial womaniser/sex addict.


But, save for the Sofitel maid and Ms Banon (who is lately reported to have been "heavily influenced" into filing suit) allegations, not known as a violent one at all.

The fact sex took place seems to be agreed by both parties but the other allegation charges him with violent sec. Your link suggests he partook of that with the maid.
His client had suffered injuries in the alleged attack, including a torn shoulder ligament, bruises, and abrasions to her vagina, he said. DNA evidence shows that a sexual encounter did take place between the maid and the politician. He admits having sex with her but claims it was consensual.
Do you beat the merry hell out of your partners? Do you beat the merry hell out of your partners?
As the maid's attorney, with a ton of egg on his and his client's respective faces and ever-dimishing prospects of any win fee (including for civil litigation/settlement), I'd take whatever he says about her condition (just like whatever the prosecution said until recently) with a heavy-handed pinch of salt ;)


Edit - as regards the 'frop' thing, no doubt a typo and, as you rightly point out, what with Internet copy/pasting being rife, no doubt it will be common to many articles using the same source/material (maybe the original PR?). Anyway, do please let me know if you prefer linkies in french to relevant articles from reliable sources such as Le Monde, L'Epress or Le Nouvel Obs (all of which provide much more detail and analysis than US/AU/Brit papers).

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It's the total lack of any info on this Chuck Wood bloke that makes me wonder if the story is a bag of horse droppings.


If a woodchuck could chuck wood, he would and should chuck wood unless he's writing stories to be picked up by the world's press.

It looks a lot like a laugh job that the other outlets picked up with all the attention that a blind cretin would give the story.

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It's the total lack of any info on this Chuck Wood bloke that makes me wonder if the story is a bag of horse droppings.

Considering the substantive issues (both the evidence and the holes in the maid's story) have all been put on the table by the DA himself, 'frop' and 'Chuck Wood' are a complete non-issue/red herring.


But feel free to fill yer boots ;)

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