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Another Made Up Sexual Assault

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Always worth reading this guys site http://www.angryharry.com/


Don't let the look of the site fool you, it's written by a clinical psychologist.


I've copied thie from the site but if you care to browse there's much more compelling info if you are prepared to dig.



"Austrian Police Officer Claims 80% Rape Accusations Are False 4 out of 5 sexual abuse accusations are false, reports the chief of the vice department in Lower Austria.


Two weeks ago, a UK Police Inspector claimed that more than 80% of rape accusations are false.


This week an Austrian police chief says the same.


So. Does it now finally seem that your Uncle Harry might have been correct for the past FIVE YEARS?


Altogether now.




And does it now finally seem that your Uncle Harry is not as crazy as he is often portrayed to be?


YES! Angry Harry is wonderful.




But the most important point that my most excellent readers must take on board is not the fact that there are hundreds of thousands of very wicked women making false accusations every year, but that most of the government officials and the leftist/feminist academics who talk about these issues are lying scumbags.


These are very, very nasty people.


They really are.


60 years ago they would have been the first in line to push Jews into the gas chambers and the first in line to volunteer for the firing squads.


And they should be prosecuted.


In fact, they should be out of their jobs, face criminal charges and their pensions revoked.


The level of malevolence that these abhorrent worms have inflicted on millions of innocent men and fathers must never be forgotten.


How dare they treat us in this manner.."

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Always worth reading this guys site http://www.angryharry.com/


Don't let the look of the site fool you, it's written by a clinical psychologist.


I've copied thie from the site but if you care to browse there's much more compelling info if you are prepared to dig.



"Austrian Police Officer Claims 80% Rape Accusations Are False 4 out of 5 sexual abuse accusations are false, reports the chief of the vice department in Lower Austria.


Two weeks ago, a UK Police Inspector claimed that more than 80% of rape accusations are false.


This week an Austrian police chief says the same.


So. Does it now finally seem that your Uncle Harry might have been correct for the past FIVE YEARS?


Altogether now.




And does it now finally seem that your Uncle Harry is not as crazy as he is often portrayed to be?


YES! Angry Harry is wonderful.




But the most important point that my most excellent readers must take on board is not the fact that there are hundreds of thousands of very wicked women making false accusations every year, but that most of the government officials and the leftist/feminist academics who talk about these issues are lying scumbags.


These are very, very nasty people.


They really are.


60 years ago they would have been the first in line to push Jews into the gas chambers and the first in line to volunteer for the firing squads.


And they should be prosecuted.


In fact, they should be out of their jobs, face criminal charges and their pensions revoked.


The level of malevolence that these abhorrent worms have inflicted on millions of innocent men and fathers must never be forgotten.


How dare they treat us in this manner.."




80%? Really?


So, according to "Uncle Harry", most of the women who report a rape, who undergo degrading and intrustive testing, and questioning about their personal lives are in fact delusional? And no such rape actually happened?

Does the opinion of two police officers constitute fact, then?

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80%? Really?


So, according to "Uncle Harry", most of the women who report a rape, who undergo degrading and intrustive testing, and questioning about their personal lives are in fact delusional? And no such rape actually happened?

Does the opinion of two police officers constitute fact, then?


Women who make false accusations have to shoulder some of the blame for this.

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It's all now come out that she's a drug peddler and a hooker as well as a liar. I hope they deport her back to wherever she came from


And because of this she couldn't have been raped? Since when has being a drug dealer made it open season for rapists? OR being a hooker? I take it you don't believe a hooker can be raped? I suggest you drag your knuckles back to the stone ages where you belong. If, she can be proved to have lied about the rape then she should be prosecuted for the crimes she has commited in making that claim. Not belittled and persecuted by bankers like you.

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One on one crime is always going to be a headache for all involved.

That goes more so for this case because of who he is and who she is.


She's admitted several lies about several things and may well find herself deported from the states because she'd admitted lies on her asylum claim.

The defence is doing a smear job on her and doing it very well. They're claiming she was getting large deposits but have yet to show any truth in this.

They're claiming she made a phone call to someone in prison and released a single sentence that could easily be taken several ways but most will see as her wanted to screw cash out of him.


We're still in the early stages of this one and it could easily go either way.

My opinion is as yet unformed. I believe there was a sexual act and I'm tempted to think he forced her but I haven't heard enough to be 100% yet.

I'm still considering the possibility she may have set him up. "Give it to me rough, big boy" then "Oh look at the bruising officer".

That or he paid her and she wanted more or he said he would pay her and buggered off.

Regardless of the truth of the rape or non rape, he's still a ruddy idiot.

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