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Another Made Up Sexual Assault

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She's lied over her versions of this alleged assault and changed her story.


That's as maybe but we still don't know whether she was or wasn't raped. She was dodgy and unreliable, he was a self confessed serial womaniser but that proves nothing in this particular case.

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The boss of the IMF cleared of charges of raping a hotel maid.




Now, where's that thread about being legally entitled to kill burglars and how many of you chose that as a viable option?


He's not been cleared, just his bail terms have been eased.

I think he will get away with it. Mostly because the defence is doing a cracking job of their smear campaign. We're already seeing suggestions of prostitution, drug money and illegal immigration.

She's a foreigner, maybe even a Muslim and has a black lawyer. That's a loser in the states.


Rape, just for the record, is a vile crime and I'm really quite into the idea of rapists being flogged in the local market square on Saturday afternoons.

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And following this she went and cleaned another hotel appartment before reporting the alleged attack.


Now if you believe her story then the 'Moon Must Be Made Of Green Cheese'


If she was genuinely assaulted what do you think her immediate action would have been on leaving the suite.


That's no evidence at all. She could easily have been in shock, tried to revert to her work and put it out of her mind. returning to clean his room could have easily brought it back and prompted her to report it.

Rape must be terrible for the victim so a bit of odd behaviour could easily be explained but the shock of the attack.

I'm still unsure so I'm trying to sort through all the smoke before I make any rash statements.

At the moment I'm 60/40 he's a vile rapist git but that opinion could change as more real evidence comes out.

I do mean real evidence; not the pile of rubbish we see on forums prompted by the smear campaign.

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You obviously hate the website I mentioned, have you read it before, come across it before, or are we all witnessing you trying to dominate and bully this thread in spite of the fact you know nothing about the subject?


I think Halal Burt has a point on this one. The site is the sort of thing only a pathetic cretin would read and it would take a real saddo to link to it as any sort of evidence in a thread regarding the possible rape of a lass in a hotel room.


Just my humble opinion. :)

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So now you're saying that you're a hot shot psychologist specializing in post rape trauma reaction? Well you're not. Her reaction and behaviour afterwards was not normal. .

There's nothing confusing about being sexually violated. Maybe you'd be running around holding your ass and saying "Oooo! What happened?.... What happened? I wouldn't and neither would anyone else. More likely it would be a sense of outrage and extreme anger.

You wouldn't go back to making beds, cleaning rooms and putting such an experience out of your mind for even one moment.



On the contrary.



You can only say this if you've personally experienced rape or a "hot shot psychologist specializing in post rape trauma reaction".



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Any testimony she gives has to be taken with a pinch of salt as she has found to be a liar.


So I assume if the IMF president has been found or proved to have lied previously then he is automatically guilty? Or does that particular rule only apply to victims? I assume that if I can prove you have lied you are automatically guilty of any crime I chose to accuse you of? Or does that rule only apply to the poor? or women? or 'foreigners'?

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