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'Sun,Sea and Satan'

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Yes, based on what?


I've had a good look on the interweb and the only claims of buried bodies at Shirley Oaks appear to be originating from Bill Maloney himself.


The more I dig, the more he seems to be a desperate man trying to make a name for himself and claw himself out of the financial hole he's gotten himself into by selling his house to pay for his amateur movies (not the documentaries, it seems he's resorted to them now as they are cheaper to make).


vResistance, you SHOULD buy his DVD, you will be helping the man out and you can report back to us as to WHY he (and he alone, apparently) thinks there are bodies buried under there.


Bill was in that place so I think it only fair to listen to what he has to say.

Most abuse victims are still,frightened , ashamed ,unable to talk about what happened to them as children and suffer in silence,often drink themselves into oblivion and an early grave, commit suicide,suffer mental illness,many abusers were themselves victims so the viscous circle continues.


I think Bill sees himself as a voice for these people,yes he's a loud mouth,quite annoying,angry maybe paranoid cockney chap but who can blame him following what he and his siblings went through.


Or maybe it's just how he "speaks" to them that puts them off. The man has a lot to learn about journalism.


He is nice if they engage with him.


Claims of abuse at Shirley Oaks have already been proven as I linked to earlier.





Maloney appears to base his claims on "conjecture" - or as most of us would say - he's making things up.




"His conjecture of Satanism, murder, sex abuse, sacrificing children and the paedophilic involvement of the hierarchy i.e. royalty, MI5 and the police state in the UK as well as Jersey..."


Thanks for that.

I have read of accusations of pedophiles in royalty and high ranking MPs so he's not on his own.

But I think that's another thread.

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Bill was in that place so I think it only fair to listen to what he has to say.

Most abuse victims are still,frightened , ashamed ,unable to talk about what happened to them as children and suffer in silence,often drink themselves into oblivion and an early grave, commit suicide,suffer mental illness,many abusers were themselves victims so the viscous circle continues.I think Bill sees himself as a voice for these people,yes he's a loud mouth,quite annoying,angry maybe paranoid cockney chap but who can blame him following what he and his siblings went through.

I don't doubt this one bit, but that's nothing to do with what I said. I said that upon searching, it appears the only suggestion of bodies buried under the home seem to come from Maloney himself, with no explanation. I also said maybe you SHOULD buy his DVD so that you can listen to what he has to say, then report back to us (with any factual findings).


He is nice if they engage with him.

He doesn't give them the chance. He becomes very aggresive early on, not even letting Livingstone get a word in edgeways. Around 4:00 mins in, just after he first starts questioning Livingstone, Maloney gets aggressive asking about excavating the home and wanting "perpatrators" brought to justice. Livingstone actually asks him to give names of the perpatrators so that he can look into it, but Maloney rants over him and ignores him.


Does this mean that he is nice if they engage with him? No.


Does it mean that Livingstine is trying to avoid the issue? Definitely not, quite the opposite.

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........after trying to engage with Maloney, but being ignored and ranted over, Livingstone walks away. Maloney then starts talking with the police, points at Livingstone and exclaims "HE TAWKS SH*T !!!"


An odd thing to say as he didn't even give Livingstone a CHANCE to "TAWK SH*T !!!"

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